The first few hours & days are sore but it's manageable! As long as you keep on top.of pain meds and get up and do little walks around now and then but also make sure you rest its okay! I'd have another one tomorrow over natural tbh, by day 8 I was all okay and off out to a christening just made sure I sat down when I could x
1-2/10 I found it all rather quick, painless and easy. Mine was emergency after labouring for 26 hours. I even had an internal bleed after being discharged and had a 15cm hematoma behind my incision. It seeped/leaked out my incision for 3+ weeks and then got infected and needed three rounds of antibiotics. But I was never in any pain (except for when whatever ruptured causing the internal bleed, that was 12/10 pain).
I stopped taking all painkillers after 24 hours I would say it's like an extremely bad pulled muscle and feels a little better each day. Mostly back to normal after a few weeks. Honestly not too terrible x
I would say a 10 mine wasnt good at all
A C-section was my worst fear and honestly, not as bad as I thought it’d be. Recovery was hard but not unmanageable. I didn’t take home any hard meds (they wanted to send me home with Percocet) and I was ok with just ibuprofen. The hardest part was coughing and getting up. Just remember to keep pressure (just your hands is fine) on your scar when you need to do either of those things. The hardest part is the first three days and then I was full mobility in a month. Just make sure to keep your scar clean and rinse with water when showering. My friends got infected and I think may be the worst of any outcomes of it, so just try to keep it clean as possible.
I’d rate it 3/10. Agreed the first few days were tough but the hospital midwives were really good at helping me if I needed anything. And long as you’re on top of your meds you are good. If thry aren’t working be sure to tell the midwives everyone has different thresholds. Walking around helps too. By day 10 I was feeling fine. I did take it easy though in general with housework stuff and moving around, only took care of the baby pretty much up until 6 weeks.
Honestly nowhere near as bad as I thought, but at the same time you have to take it easy because you will feel it if you over do it. I was home after 24 hours, obviously uncomfortable getting in and out of bed for a week or so. I would say the worst part for me was the nausea after the anaesthesia, I also felt itchy all over for about 2 days which is a normal reaction so take anti-histamines with you. I only had paracetamol but didn’t have it after about 3 days x
I heal quick and was completely back to normal (although still healing inside) after only a week with my first one. When i kept up on my pain meds, i was just fine. Something no one told me though: laughing hurts like hell 😂 i swear my husband was never funnier than when it hurt to laugh. Lol.
I’d say 3/10. My section was 11pm and I was up getting dressed myself and walking by 6am. The regular paracetamol and ibuprofen kept the pain to a minimum, it was so much easier/less painful than I was expecting. The trickiest thing for me was sitting up from lying down but I had a really positive experience as far as sections go.
No more than 2-3 with normal painkillers. Getting up was the only thing that was a bit painful but it was still manageable. Felt perfectly fine after a few weeks. Comparing this to a vaginal birth, I'd say the birth itself is completely painless, compared to a 7-8 for an unmedicated labour (without complications). The first few days are easier with a vaginal birth, but going back to feeling "normal" actually took longer for me so planned c-section recovery was faster.
Probably a 5/10, but keep up with pain meds and it’ll be so much easier! Also do t do too much. I felt ok after a week, but then started doing too much and the pain got worse again. But honestly it’s not that bad xx
10/10 for me. I cried the entire way home in agony begging my mum to go even slower (she was doing 15 in a 30 the whole way). I contempted begging her to turn the car around and going back to hospital. I had to be helped up for 2 weeks. And I had to use aids after that for 6 weeks. The first 2 weeks were the worst. But I had an emergency c section and I was black and purple across my entire stomach
the pain was definitely a 10/10 absolutely awful!! i had a twin c-section. it took me 2 months to somewhat heal.
I also had a scheduled c section. I received duramorph during the c section and a rotation of toradol, Tylenol, and Motrin in the hospital after the surgery (48 hrs) and rotation of Tylenol and Motrin at home (~2.5 weeks). Stay on top of your meds. I had no pain just existing. Sometimes aches here and there, but just sitting or laying down I didn’t have pain at all. I had maybe 5 or 6/10 pain getting up and down for the first few days, rolling over in bed, coughing, and sneezing; maybe a 3/4 pain after longer walking (increased each day) for about a week; and major discomfort using the bathroom. At two months, I still have weird tingling sensation for most of my lower belly, but never any pain. Just my experience! I have a high pain tolerance and used ice to supplement pain meds typically after longer walks. It was very manageable pain for me, but lots of different possible experiences as I’m sure you’re gathering from the responses!! (Toradol is a godsend. Request it)
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Also just adding I did not fill my opiate prescription. I typically don’t do well with them and didn’t love the idea of breastfeeding with them. I definitely did not need the opiate. But really, toradol is amazing so if your dr doesn’t typically use this, make a request for it to be on your pain management plan. It’s used more and more these days, but not necessarily the standard of care. But it’ll help tremendously.
I'd say 3 weeks before I could start doing some basic things again. 6 weeks until I could walk at a normal pace again.
Honestly a 4 out of 10 if I pushed myself it was about a 5/6 never any more than that the thought of there being an incision there was than the pain and the pain didn’t kick in until about 3 days after and after 2 weeks I didn’t have any pain at all x