Ready do push within 24 hours x
@Terri did they send you home or did you stay in hospital full 14hours x
@Pauli how many days did you stay in hospital for x
@Keeley induced at 11:30am on Tuesday, ready to push by 11:30am on Wednesday unfortunately ended up in theatre for emergency forceps delivery and had to stay in until Friday due to blood loss, infection and blood pressure being high but that’s just down to my body x
what induction you in for? i had my waters broken yesterday morning and had him last night xx
Pessary inserted 9:45 pm Tuesday, 10 cm dilated 8:30 pm Wednesday! X
Had balloon inserted Saturday 1am, waters broken Saturday 9.30pm had my little girl Sunday 4.20pm x
@Keeley I stayed in! I had the gel inserted at 8am and by 12 I was 7cm with broken waters.
@Pauli thank you Pauli, hope you and baby are both ok xx
@Elle I’m not sure yet there gonna call me in the morning. That seems quick xx
I started mine last Saturday, gave birth 4am on Tuesday
Was induced at 3pm and had my baby at midnight! X
First time induced was over 24 hours, was in the hospital for approximately 20 of that. I had the Foley catheter and was sent home to progress until it fell out then went back to hospital. Once they broke my waters that was me in the hospital until delivery, which like I said was about 20 hours. Second time induction, breaking waters to delivery was 6 hours ☺️
I had to do the induction process twice and my cervix didn't open by the end of it so I had to have a c section after a week
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I was in for 5 days in total, 3 of those were waiting for a bed on Labour ward xx
I had a sweep and the prostin gel at 7pm. By 10:30pm I was 4cm and baby was born at 11:35pm. Super super quick, but she was my second xx
I was induced 7:30am on a Tuesday, waters were ready to be popped by Thursday but due to delays and labour ward being busy I didn’t have them broken until the Friday x
I was induced Tues around 10pm and had baby at 6am Friday - was a very long process
I got a call at 12:30 to ask if I can come in at 2am for my induction. I am here now. Thank you everyone x
@Keeley awesome!! So excited for you! Still awaiting my dd but can’t wait to have him🥹
Went into hospital tuesday for my induction didnt get induced until 1am Wednesday, felt contractions around 10am Wednesday and had baby 3:37 Thursday morning. Bring entertainment, in your allowed guests bring someone. Pleasseeeee advocate for yourself. If you feel baby is coming let them know. They didn’t believe babys head was coming until i screamed it and gave birth 4mins after telling them.
@Sharna wow!! Thanks for the advice🙏
I need to echo what Sharna says. I made them take the pessary out 18 hours after insertion as the contractions were unbearable. They said they were worried about taking it out in case I wasn’t in active labour. After I literally screamed the place down they agreed and I was 5 cm dilated, got the epidural and managed to sleep for 2 hours before pushing. Was 10 cm dilated within 2 hours of them taking it out :) x
I will also agree with Sharna and Anushka, my pessary fell out around 1am and they wanted to put it back in as I might not have been in active labour but I was more dilated than they thought I’d be and baby’s head was low! Definitely stand your ground and go with your gut x
My induction process started 1pm Monday, baby born 2.05pm Wednesday x
My induction was at 2am on the 26th of Feb then I had my baby on the 27th of February at 3pm. I wouldn’t recommend an induction. Thank you everyone for your advice and help. Xx
Congratulations Keeley! How was it overall? Are you doing okay? X
@Anushka thank anushka, I’m doing ok now but I had a very traumatic induction and delivery x
I hope you’re okay and here if you want to talk about it. Well done, you did it x
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@Anushka thank you lovely x
Mine was 14 hours later