I'm booked in for 10th! They usually do the procedure week 39 so I would imagine they will give you a date at that appointment. I received mine quite early but only because I was there for a growth scan at the time xx
I went to my consultant a few weeks ago at between 34 & 35 weeks & booked it for 39 weeks on the nose. Still waiting for the date about the pre-op (or whatever they call it) though x
I’ve booked one preemptively for 41 weeks in case I don’t go spontaneously because I don’t want an induction and we confirmed date at first appointment yes. Had an appointment to sign consent around 36-37 weeks and set date, then I have an appointment Wednesday this week which I guess is a pre-op thing then will go at 41 weeks (if it gets that far!)
I only decided yesterday i wanted a c section due to the fact my baby is breech, which we found out at my last growth scan at 36+2, and they called today with my date (i’m exactly 37 weeks today) and i’m booked in 2 weeks today so will be exactly 39 weeks on the day of my c section, i have to go in 2 days before to have my bloods done and then call after 2pm the day before for the actual time we need to go in and the fasting schedule, etc x
Thanks everyone. My appointment is tomorrow morning so I hopefully I will find out then :)
I had my appointment today with the consultant. Feeling a bit deflated. I know anyone can decide to have a c section anyway, and they are there to give their honest opinion. But I’ve been consultancy led throughout my pregnancy due to my last labour and they have asked throughout if I’m wanting a c section or not. Today when I finally decided I wanted to go down the c section route the consultant seemed disappointed in me and kept telling me he wouldn’t recommend it and was generally negative throughout the whole appointment. They have done the paperwork anyway and said it’ll be sent off for Monday and then I’ll get a call next week for when the section is but they’ve said I’ve left it late to decide so he said hopefully I’ll get it in before 40 weeks. I’ve been so down lately, then finally felt happy I’d made a decision and was feeling confident in my decision and now he’s but doubts back in my head
got my date at 36 weeks appointment. scheduled for 39+2. my hospital don’t do electives on weekends and mon-wed , so the earliest I could get was this. they dont do electives before 39+0
@Buse I’m 37+2 today. He said the paperwork will be looked at on Monday when to set an appointment so I’ll already be 38 weeks. I’m worried that I’ve left enough time to be scheduled before 40 weeks.
I would honestly go with your gut like you have. It’s your body your choice. I know it would be deflating but he shouldn’t bring his opinions into it. We have enough to think about as it is during this time. I’ve been the same, I had a c section first time due to a failed induction so I’ve had to book a c section this time as a back up incase he doesn’t come naturally. Im due in 6 days but still waiting to hear what my date is for the c section. I’m going to possibly have one or two sweeps but I don’t want an induction due to last time being in for a week. It was just too much & I’m worried it’ll go that way again. We all have our reasons & choices. Could you ask to see another consultant to help reassure you or speak to your midwife? I hope all goes well for you.
They make us wait till at least 39 weeks. I have it scheduled for March 18th but hoping to switch to the 17th now due to my partner being off Mondays and Tuesdays
Oh I’m getting induced. I do not want a section so I really hope I don’t need one. I’ve had 3 vaginal births before and the first was traumatic but the other 2 inductions were so good and peaceful!
I’m 37 weeks today, received my CSection date last week. My Csection is booked for the 11th of March (I’ll be 39+1) x