I brought the following: Nappies Clothing for baby Loose clothing for me Cotton wool I brought a lot more but I was being induced. I would pack for the possibility of a section that way you’ll be prepared. I planned to breastfeed so didn’t have milk but the hospital did and I had to use theirs because he wasn’t latching and I was diabetic he needed to feed to pass sugars
I would take both. I think its so you get practice on taking these things out (advice from birthing class)
I gave birth in Dundee and brought my own nappies (size 1) but they didn’t fit my little one so had to send someone to buy some size 0. (Ninewells did stock them but easier to have your own sitting there rather than having to constantly walk for them) Ninewells provided me with milk (they have aptamil/cow & gate and another one) I originally planned to breastfeed but was too ill to so midwife’s gave my little one their first feed.