@Paige What does that mean? That I’m not pregnant? X
@Shannon if the test was outside the 3 min then it’s invalid . I’d of said to re test but you have and it’s negative , try test again tomorrow if it’s negative then depending on what dpo you are and when af is due it’s just waiting . The test above is invalid and there for don’t suggest pregnancy x
Evap im afraid sorry :-/. I remember having dreams about being pregnant only to get negatives when so i know how much it sucks 😔
@Caz thank you, yeah I didn’t even think evap lines were a thing. I’m just so stressed with it I just feel to relax I had a miscarriage 3 years ago so I know I just need to relax x
Yeh sadly they are. I am also not a fan of blue dye tests for this reason as well. If you are an avid tester or test early, just get some of bulk strips by easy@home as thats all i ever used until i got my definite positives then id use a digital to confirm. So much cheaper that way. Awww im so sorry 💖 I know how stressful it is, its so hard to relax. Took me 11 months with tubal help to concieve my first. And then when TTC second we caught quick but had an early MC 🤍 and then didnt catch our 🌈 for another 5 months after. TCC is hard and stressful but TTC/pregnancy AFTER a MC is another thing entirely 🥲
This will be an evap line , it happens when the test is left after the time frame x