Baby led weaning

We're gonna start baby with foods tomorrow! Planning on trying banana first, my plan is to just let him try foods for now until about 9 months and then give him more meals, what are you all planning? My health visitor said its just so he gets a taste for stuff and most of his calories should still be breastmilk till he's 1. But I keep seeing on tiktok and friends giving their 6 month old full on meals so not sure what to do x
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When I started giving my baby boy purées, he didn’t like the thinner texture. I will add oatmeal/cereal to his puree to thicken it up and he enjoyed it and ate more. Lately, I’ve been giving him mashed fruit like strawberries and bananas so he can get introduced to texture. Sometimes I will chew something up I’m eating and let him taste it and you can tell he’s getting used to different textures because he will try to chew things even though he has no teeth yet. He will be 6m on Saturday. I plan to continue what I’m doing and maybe offer him something he’s able to hold and eat on his own later. (He does eat the baby teething wafers which he can eat really well by himself )

My pediatrician said to give iron foods due today breast milk no longer having much iron anymore, I'm planning to give my baby beans. We were also told to not start with fruit just because it's sweet so I think they might have a harder time with non sweet food moving forward. Also to start with one food at a time to check for any allergies and like you said breast milk is still their main source of food and solids are just a supplement right now more to test out solids and see if they are allergic to anything. As far as full on meals I think that's just up to the parents, I'm also still thinking if I want to just give my baby a baby version of the foods we eat like mini meals or not

Start with veggies!! Not fruit! It’ll be harder to get them to eat veggies if you start with sweet things. We started with avocado & Kendamil oatmeal. And remember it can take a baby up to 7 times to become accustomed to a specific food so keep introducing! Also wait 3 days in between to observe for allergies!

My boy will be 6 months on the 6th. We started with veggies a couple weeks ago. First peas then carrots gonna try green beans then squash next! My plan was also just to introduce different taste and still do mostly milk til around 8 months then start blw and giving him what we eat. but he loves the food so much and tolerates it very well we may end up doing it earlier than expected too🙃 I’m going to ask his pediatrician about it but I’m just following his cues for the most part. That’s my advice as every baby is very different .

We started with bananas as well. My daughter loved it. She hasn’t had an issue with veggies. So far we have done oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes, avocado and carrots. I alternate between fruit and veggie every time we introduce a new item. And we do wait 3 days before introducing something new. Right now she is only getting one solid a day for lunch and everything else is breastmilk. She just turned 5 months. I think at 6 months we will do 2 solids a day. I purée everything but deft introduce texture as much as possible (this is where the oatmeal comes in) cause I have a friend who only pureed her first babies food for the first year and now he is a picky eater, he hates textures lol. Follow your babies cues, they know what they want. 😉

I started my daughter on bananas at 4.5 months. Just a heads-up—sometimes they back her up a little and make it harder for her to poop. However, mangoes were amazing! For the bananas, I puréed fresh organic ones, but I also tried Beech-Nut and Gerber brands, and she liked both. I’d also recommend applesauce! Her pediatrician mentioned that if she ever gets backed up, puréed prunes can help. But honestly, bananas are the only food that seem to cause that for her. When that happens, I just breastfeed and hold off on solids for a day or two, and she usually poops by the next day and is fine. Just an FYI—every baby is different, but I know bananas can sometimes cause constipation for some little ones! Good luck to you on your little ones solid food journey

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