I’d get a mixture and see what you get on with. I used little angels most of the time with my first. This time I’ve got some from morrisons, tescos and lidls to try. Depends where you do your shop as well.
We used all sorts with my 1st to start with but found pampers best so that's what we will stick to this time round xx
We have a mixture. Got some Pampers for free, and then some Sainsbury's and Lidl as those are what we liked with our first.
we used sainsbury’s with our little one when she was born but then they changed them or something and were dead hard to come by in her size so we just swapped to pampers and haven’t had many issues
I second getting a mix of various brands to test. Each baby is different in terms of body shape etc and a brand that works for one may not work that well for another. I remember I liked Aldi's own brand for sizes up to 3, then we switched to Sainsbury's and still using them overnight with my toddler. Pampers are always great but usually hugely overpriced - worth looking out for freebies and promos!
Ah brilliant idea everyone! Why did I not even think of mixing it up 🤣 will definitely grab a mix of newborn size small packs and see what works best for us! Thankyou all! I think I'm over thinking things, he's my 3rd and I feel the least organised I've ever been!! Xx
We used Aldi to about stage 3 then moved to Sainsbury’s. Both were fab but Aldi didn’t fit as well as they got bigger x
Tesco nappies!
I’ve always stuck with pampers x
We use the Sainsbury’s ones and they’ve been fab for us since newborn x