Sometimes you don’t until you’re labouring so dw
With my first I didn’t loose the mucus plug until I was in labor, I didn’t even notice it tbh. I gave birth 38+4. Also waters went when I was around 5 cm dilated.
I think some people can lose it weeks before going into labour, some a few hours and some during labour 😓 It’s a prediction that labour will come soon but remember labour will be coming soon either way as you are 37 weeks! You’ve got this 💪
@Bethan I’m so fed up atm! Praying I go soon, I feel so guilty being upset and crying because I can’t wait to meet my baby but I just don’t feel myself at all 😭❤️
I was crying my eyes out yesterday and just couldn’t stop! I also felt guilty but I really think it’s normal to feel so emotional and done with pregnancy towards the end. Your hormones are all over the place, you feel rubbish but also excited and overwhelmed. It’s a lot! 😮💨
@Bethan exactly this! Hoping it all passes soon and I can enjoy being pregnant again haha xx
Same here, my mucus plug is still intact 😂😂