My 5.5 month old is on a level 3. I think it all depends on the baby for sure! Have you talked to the pediatrician about it? Usually it’s not recommended to go backwards but I would maybe bring up your concerns with the pediatrician. Is it vomit vomit or just a lot of spit up?
We are using T size transition from a P to a 1 with breast milk and then a 1 with the formula. We went through the same thing.
@Fiona Oh wow. Thanks! I didn't know you aren't supposed to go backwards. I'll bring it up with our pedestrian. Also her vomit is enough for a full clothing change a few times a week
@Liz I mean you cannnn but it’s usually not recommended because it can make feeding difficult for baby as they are developmentally usually ready at 6 months for a faster flow. That’s just why I said maybe ask the Ped, and also assess reaction because obviously every baby is different so if it makes more sense for you to do so, I would. Have you asked the doctor about reflux? My son was like that when he was 3/4 months and we had to change to a gentle formula. We just recently tried to make the change back as well to regular & it still upset his tummy. Some baby’s have a milk sensitivity.
We just moved from a P to a 1. We tried a 2 for a brief moment— but it’s just too fast for her and she spills it everywhere. Our pediatrician said it’ll take some time for her to get used to since she is used to sucking hard— so expect some chocking/getting too much at first. We’ll try the #2 again in a few weeks. I also start with the bigger nipples in the day time — and let her stick with the smaller ones at night while she transitions.
My daughter is 5 months and we still use a 1!
@Marissa Right! I think we traded up too soon.
I'm using a 1 for this exact reason.. he already slams the bottle with a size 1 and want him to take his time rather than spit it all up and waste all the milk.. 🙃😅