
How can I move my baby’s bedtime forward? My baby sleeps 11pm - 10am and anything before that he sees as a nap. It worked for us at first as the baby would nap loads in the day but not so much anymore and now, me and my partner would love some alone time in the evening. Every night it’s a fight- he will cry, scream and not wanting to settle until 11pm where magically he settles. I would love for him ti sleep earlier but as I said, if he does go down at 9pm ish, he will wake up 2am. He has 2-4 naps a day, depending on his mood. He is 7mo. He often settles for his last nap around 7.30/8pm and wakes up at 9. Tried to move his nap but he is groggy and worse to settle. Won’t fall asleep sooner.
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When you put him to bed what changes in the house? As in do you turn everything off and all the light etc? And when you try earlier on would you “fake” the same routine? If he thinks you’re going to bed too maybe this will help??

Why not bring his bedtime earlier by 15 minutes every day. And every day you move all his naps by 15 minutes that way your baby won’t be stressed and act out when doing it.

@Kathryn me and my partner like to come up to bed after our dinner. We usually start cooking once he’s settled down for his evening nap and by the time we’ve eaten, he will wake up from a nap downstairs in his pushchair, he will have his dinner and we go upstairs. We turn the lights off, put his projector on and we’ll both a movie on (not too loud as we share bedrooms) we will try to get him to sleep from 10pm but it’s like he knows when it hits 11 and that’s where he starts settling down

@Cristina it won’t work! 🥲 he naps on demand but usually different times in the day (within the same hour - first around 1pm, sometimes around 4pm and then around 7.30pm, all around an hour). The nap times won’t impact bed time for him. We will start to get him to sleep from 10pm but he won’t be having it, it’s like he knows when 11pm hits as that when he settles down x once he’s down he’s down for the night and wakes up around 10am, if he falls asleep before 9pm, he will 100% wake up around midnight/1am xx

Have you tried waking him in the morning? Wake him up every day the same time, say 7am, then you can shift his naps and hopefully he will be more tired by the evening

You have my commiseration

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