Positive Birth Stories

Hi girls šŸ–¤ I am due my first baby in early October and am beginning a hypnobirthing course. Part of it is surrounding yourself with positive birth storyā€™s. If you want to, please comment below your positive birth story šŸ©· thank you so much!
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yay I love this for you! I had a fantastic medicated birth, I had to be induced which can be intimidating since the times are much longer compared to natural births that Iā€™ve seen. but everything that happened went smoothly if not better than I hoped! we showed up and they gave us a teensy corner room and an hour later they upgraded us to a larger room for no reason šŸ’• they had special monitoring equipment that can sometimes be temperamental when using the wireless option but their first try putting that on my tummy it worked great and the whole rest of the time so I had freedom and not a jillion wires connecting me to their systems šŸ’• my nurse was so friendly and was checking up on me even after her shift was over!! unheard of, completely lovely lady šŸ’• I opted in for the epidural and it wasnā€™t as much of a ā€œpainfulā€ experience than a ā€œnoticeable pressureā€ experience and after some adjusting it did the job šŸ’• I had lovely sleep leading up to the actual laboring due to fentanyl šŸ’•

all of my birth plan requests were met and the vibe was just great when I was pushing for 45 minutes. it wasnā€™t the easiest experience and I left out any negatives due to the request of this post, but as far as giving birth went for me, iā€™d gladly do it again and again šŸ’• baby and myself were healthy and live to tell the tale three years later!

I had an assisted vaginal birth and it all happened fairly quickly. My water broke at 3am, went in to get checked they confirmed that it was indeed the waters and then recommended I go home and rest until contractions begin. Contractions began on their own at 10am..I was consistently timing them and by 1pm they were happening every 5-6mins and were getting stronger. I called the triage unit and reached the hospital by 2pm. At this time my contractions were very intense and I felt the baby was coming soon. I was quite dilated so they didnā€™t give me any pain relief and I started to push. The midwives and all other staff were very encouraging and guided me through the pushing..Eventually they had to attach a suction cup while I pushed and baby girl was here by 3:15pm. It was wonderful and a lot better than I imagined it would beā€¦giving birth is truly amazing and made my faith in God a lot stronger. I did read hypnobirthing books and they all helped a lot - goodluck!

i had 2 very positive experiences, both with early october babies funnily enough! with my first i was induced at 39+6 for medical reasons. pessary was inserted at 10:30am, went home with cramps. contractions started around 4pm and got intense around 9pm. got to hospital around 11:30pm and was 8cm dilated. waters broke on their own and baby was born at 2:57am, with just gas and air! had a second degree tear that needed stitches but nothing major. second was very quick. i got to my due date and felt i had no real signs labour was approaching. i had a bath and when i got out i felt i was having a lot of discharge but no bloody show or anything. went downstairs and contractions started at 6:45pm. started timing them and they got intense quickly. my mum came to look after our toddler, got to hospital for about 10pm. was 6cm dilated when checked. had gas and air, waters broke on their own and my body started pushing. baby was born 2 pushes later at 11:43pm, another due date baby! first degree tear, no stitchesšŸ„³

I had a planned C section due to the babies size and position and it was quick, the midwifeā€™s and surgeons were amazing

I gave birth a little bit early because my little one was excited for thanks giving.šŸ˜‚ so my water broke, but not literally like in the movies but just a slowly trickling down my underwear which i didnā€™t know that it was my water. Then I really didnā€™t feel any pain, but just some minor cramps like I was about to get my period. It was so mild that I didnā€™t even think of anything and went to Mcdonaldā€™s and run some errands. Then we just decided to have a check since the water is keep on coming out. When we went to the hospital they said they have to put me in labor and delivery room since my water broke and the cramps iā€™ve been feeling are contractions šŸ˜‚ from then my contractions got intense and I dilated up to 6cm and I only got my epidural when I hit 7cm as I was having intense pain already. I labored 12hrs and pushed only for 25mins. Every nurses and Drs are so nice and helpful that I didnā€™t even feel scared for me it was a really great experience.

I was restless the Saturday night and ended up having a shower at 12 am (I hate going to bed with wet hair). Couldn't get comfortable tossed and turned, kept getting up to go to the washroom. Ended up downloading a contraction app and calling l&d at around 2:30 am which woke up my husband. We got to the hospital er around 3:30 (after my husband had his own shower). Had an epidural around 6 am. Amazing anesthesiologist, first try and didn't feel anything. Second ob oncall came on at 7. He was wonderful. Joked around with my husband since they knew each other and made everyone comfortable. My son was born at 11:56 am. Had a great rn from the time I arrived at the hospital until my son was born

I had gestational diabetes which totally isn't that bad. I controlled my diabetes with diet and exercise. SO I didn't need an insulin drop at birth. I was even allowed two popsicles when I was in labor! I was induced on September 3rd with a foley balloon. It came out at exactly the 24-hour mark and then I was admitted to the hospital on the 4th. I wasn't ready to have my water broken right away so we try to just go through labor motions... I almost couldn't get the epidural because I could hardly sit still but I did. It was great! I still felt the pressure to push. It was just dull. I used the peanut ball which helped labor progress and I highly recommend. My baby girl was born at 3:34 a.m. on the 5th after 2 and 1/2 hours of pushing.

My waters went at 3am I heard a popping sound so I stood up n the water started running down my leg , I rang the hospital they told me to come in to see if it was , went in at 5am my contractions started then but was only a few I was only 2cm so they was sending me home so before I went home I went the toilet and felt something took a picture n sent it to my mum it was the babies head šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ , so me mum went n got the midwife n she checked and it indeed was my little girl coming out so my boyfriend pressed the emergency button had everyone come in they put me bck on the bed & told me to push she came out in 3 pushes at 7:39am weighing 7lbs7 n 1/2 oz on my 21st birthday too so that what a lovely birthday present I had a 4th degree tear so went into theatre for stitches I didnā€™t feel a thing I was unmedicated too had ntn for it if this birth was to go like this again then Iā€™d 100% do it again , was home the same night too which was great this was in the womanā€™s in Liverpool

The Positive Birth Company have a whole range of stories on their Facebook / insta definitely worth following! X

Heyyy, 1st baby, 4 days early, 7ib2 vaginal birth, I kept active thought pregnancy and took rasberry leaf tea quite a lot, I still wonder if that helped. Green waters broke at home šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« contractions started quickly , I was 10cm dilated within an hour i think, it was painful and I couldn't have any pain relief I did think that I will do anything for this to stop butttt....... I will say the pain I was in was because I was 10cm dilated quickly, now I know that when that pain is absolutely unbearable it just means your beautiful baby is coming. I thought that the pain I was in pain was maybe just the start of it etc I look forward to doing it again to enjoy it a bit more as the first time is always scary, i also had all my hypnobirthing songs to listen to and get into the breathing techniques I couldn't get into it was all too quick I listened to the midwifes when to push and I grunted so much lol, chin on chest and BEAR DOWN!!!! you can do this !! They will keep you and your baby safe x

With my 1st, baby arrived at 41 +3 days. When i was 41+2, i went in for an appointment due to almost being 42 weeks. We scheduled an induction for the following day. After i got home from the hospital, I started feeling contractions at 7pm. By 10pm they were every 2-3 minutes so I went into hospital. I was only 1cm dilated. The hospital is quite far from my house, so they found us a room for the night. The contractions remained 2-3 min apart and started getting stronger by about 5am (all night my husband held a heat pack against my back which helped). At around 5am, I started practicing my breathing exercises and my husband put pressure against my lower back. We moved to the birthing suite at 7am. We slow danced and listened to a music play list i liked while having gas. By around 2pm, I was very tired so they suggested an epidural. I finally slept till 9pm. Started pushing 11pm. Required an episiotomy and vacuum due to infection and fetal distress. Couldn't feel anything. Baby was born healthy 11.45pm.

I used hypnobirthing too and had such a positive experience. Waters broke about 11am, contractions started at 1pm. I stayed at home concentrating on my breathing, the counting & the breathing really helped me stay calm. Got to hospital around 11:30pm and I was about 4cm. Got straight in the pool and my baby was born around 2:30am. I didnā€™t use any medication or gas as I was literally so focused on my breathing I didnā€™t want anything to disturb that. I just had sensory lighting on it was peaceful, at one point I had to tell my husband to use his inside voice as we started transition as his volume was getting louder & I just needed the quiet to focus šŸ™ˆ I would literally just float in the water with my eyes closed and rest between the contractions x

Fantastic news šŸ©· my baby was born at home, I started contractions after spending the day with my sister, laboured overnight at home with the pool, combs, the baby was born just after midday and caught by our doula! We rang the midwives when I was in transition, but they didnā€™t come, so I birthed unattended. I trusted my body to do whatā€™s right by the baby. Your body will do this is too, when the times right! My placenta took 3 hours to come but I delivered it naturally in the end. Then the midwives arrived.

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