@Marissa thank you so much! This is truly helpful 🙏🏽
First ultrasound twins💕 super nervous to girly!
It's easy peasy! By the end of your pregnancy you'll be a total pro at all the doctor stuff and will be used to all of the pokes and prods and scans etc. There's a chance it will be transvaginal instead of abdominal so just remember to relax and that they do this all day every day! Ask them any questions that you have like due date/heart rate but most likely they will tell you all of that anyways! Just try to enjoy the special moment of getting to see your baby for the first time and hear its heartbeat.
First visit are very exciting , plus you after you will only go every 4 weeks lol later it willl be 2 then 1 now that’s when you get nervous it’s time to push 😂
I’m sure you’ll be more excited when you get there - because it certainly makes it that much more REAL once you see the baby and hopefully hear its heartbeat as well! I was 7 weeks so they couldn’t get enough measurements to determine due date and all via the abdominal scan, so they also did a transvaginal ultrasound. The tech was good about explaining what she was doing - you can always voice that you’re a bit nervous and ask for them to talk you through what they’re looking at! I made sure to ask for the heart rate, due date, and for photos! ☺️ Best of luck, mama!