@Melanie thank you and a FET is a frozen embryo transfer. I conceived via IVF
@Patrice ohhh okay, well then extra super de duper congrats!
My first appointment is also St Patrick’s Day! May the luck of the Irish be with us! 🍀
@Melanie thank you so much!
@Stephanie omg congrats! Yay i got an ultrasound buddy
Hope it goes well! I have to wait until I’m 10weeks 😭
@Sarahbeth how far along are you now?
@Patrice I’ll be 7 weeks on Wednesday!
@Sarahbeth so we all have like a 3 week wait. I hope time flies for us all
My scan is scheduled the same day!
@Kallie omg thats awesome! How many weeks will you be?
@Patrice 8weeks and five days
@Kallie i'll be 7 weeks 1 day so im just 1 week and 4 days behind you
Congrats! I’m not familiar with FET can you tell me what that is?