I didn’t bother as it’s not necessary and my baby is still feeding fine at five months old.
i switched up my diet and started to get colostrum like 3 days later
I find it’s easiest after a big meal and when you’re nice and warm x
I haven’t tried yet but my midwife advised to get nice and warm and comfortable (maybe have a hot shower first), and also that you will just get tiny amounts but that is all that is needed!
There is no pressure at all, so don’t worry if it’s not working for you! I found what helped me was a warm bath / shower before hand, massaging my boobs and then trying the C shape method with your thumb and index finger to squeeze worked the best. I also moved around my boob a lot (honestly I was laughing at myself the angles I was at with the damn syringe 😂) to try and stimulate other milk ducts and that’s when got more than the usual. Good luck!
I tried hand expressing for a few days, post bath but it wasn’t working for me at all. I was getting a bit down about it as I have PCOS and was told it could affect my colostrum and milk supply. I then read lots of women on here saying it had only worked for them with an electric pump. Tried with my pump and it’s worked really well. Started as very tiny amounts coming out but after 3 days I’ve now had enough to fill 2 5ml syringes.
I wasn't convinced I was making any as I'd tried a few times to get something out with no success. When I hit 37 weeks I tried again and got a drip appear... Unfortunately my midwife hasn't given me a kit yet so I haven't tried properly, I think it might take some practice to get the right technique... I was squeezing the harder bit in the middle of my boob (behind the nipple) if you know what I mean.. It took a few seconds to appear... I'd almost put my boob away again thinking I'd failed again