They are babies and babies wake up to feed , my little one is still waking up every 2-3 hours to feed at 3 months old. He will start sleeping more during the night when his little body is ready to do so
Yes and they almost always have a snoo bassinet, that costs an arm and a leg, which has a lot to do with it!! It makes me so annoyed and almost seems like a punch in the face. We are at 10 weeks tomorrow and also still waking for multiple feeds but see goes back down straight after, it makes me wonder how those well slept babes don’t get hungry 🥲
Yes totally feel you!! Those targeted ads are so frustrating. My baby is the exact same, waking every 2ish hours and is breast Fed. My health visitor said that's totally normal at this stage
If it helps, I have the opposite problem! Mine sleeps for hours and hours…but only on me! Won’t go down even at night, and my husband and I take it in shifts to let her contact nap with us through the night. I also sometimes feel like I must be doing something wrong to not be able to put my baby down in her basket or next to me. Our babies are all perfect and all we can do is our best x
@Hannah check out ahealthvisitor on Instagram. She's an actual NHS HV that is really down to earth, she did a reel reassuring that naturally we are carry mammals (like monkeys) and we have evolved to be holding babies all the time. You aren't doing anything wrong at all, you're doing what's natural and what your baby needs you to do ❤️ it's hard but you got this
Your babies are absolutely perfect! They will sleep when they are ready. I've had 4 babies... 2 amazing sleepers and 2 kids I can't even call sleepers because they never did. You don't need to spend 400! Just keep doing what your doing xxxx