How long have you been pumping? It may be time to replace pump parts already. Are you sure your flanges are the correct size? Your output is actually within normal range but I know it’s so frustrating if you can’t keep up. I had a really similar situation when I had my first child in terms of combination feeding for the same reasons.
Also keep putting him on your breasts. My lactation consultant mentioned that babies this young don’t develop a preference. I had to supplement with formula for a second and had the same issue for a day or two, but keep trying. He will latch eventually. If he’s super fussy you can give him some milk beforehand and then try and put him on again
The first thing to do is reach out to your HV or Family Center so they can get you in touch with a Lactation Consultant. I honestly believe every breastfeeding mother should see one, but especially someone like you who is needing extra support. I also highly recommend joining the below group. It is a ran by a health visitor and moderated by a breastfeeding support team. They will have lots of tips and advice for you. As for personal advice, I agree with everything Alessandra said. Keep putting baby to the breast, and doing lots of skin to skin, as this will really stimulate and encourage milk production. Don’t underestimate how much fuel you need too. I’d recommend drinking plenty of water. Eating lots of protein and healthy fats. Avocados are recommended by many breastfeeding mothers. I also like adding extra electrolytes to my water recently.
Talk to your gp about going on some medication to increase milk supply many women who need to boost their milk do it and it can double if not triple their supply from what I’ve seen
@Courtney I’ve not heard of this before. Can you do it a few weeks in? My baby is almost 3 weeks old
@Jay The two medications I’ve heard of are Domperidone and Metoclopramide, and women have increased milk almost 24 hours later because it increases the amount of prolactin you make. But everyone is different; it’s definitely worth looking into, though!
@Jay and you should be able to do it now
What pump are you using, if you using a portable grade on that coule possibly be your problem, they don’t fully empty the breast which is what your body needs to tell it to make more, I have the number to a 24/7 lactation hotline you can call (888) 588-3423
Drink a ton of water. Like 3 liters if you can. Eating oats and the supplement Fenugreek is helping as well.