Here are some videos for you! I used to be a dog trainer and the methods used in these videos are spot on. The key to seeing quick progress is to train them alone for the first bit and do at least 10 minutes a day. People might come at me for this but honestly dogs are like toddlers. If they love toys have a special toy just for the training. If they love food more pick something extra fun like string cheese or Cheerios. Just like toddlers you it takes lots of repetition and consistency.
Yeah I have 200lb dog and he’s just a pup. It rly pertains to ur dog. Just try not to train or reward with treats because when ur on a walk u might not always have that and when they become food motives it’s harder. Dogs have something called learned helplessness where if u keep enforcing the rule even if it’s very two seconds that I have to stop, they get to a point where they get like so annoyed that they just do what u say cause they know ur not going to give in. ATP ur dog is walking all over u because the rules aren’t being enforced enough. Everytime he/she pulls the leash. Just stop and pull them back and wait until they listen. Only reward with affection. I used to train dogs with my uncle who does it
@Faith that’s simply not true! (The bit about using food or rewards making it harder) there’s a principle in dog training called “premacking” and it’s what happens when you create a reward history that then extends beyond the actual use of rewards. Learned helplessness is not something you should be actively implementing in ANY training plan, ever.
@Parker 又 if u watch any real trainers they will literally talk about learned helplessness bro. For my breed specifically they really push it because boerboels are bred to hunt lions, but they are also attached at their owners hip. Learned helplessness helps in so many ways. Food/treat based training truly isn’t good for them. Dogs are loyal and natural protectors. They know right from wrong. That’s like ur kid misbehaving and u give them candy until they hopefully learn to stop. Dogs have the mental capacity of a 2 year old max. Do ur research
@Parker 又 and if u know sm bout dogs. Then u must know how safe it was to let ur dog lick ur mf newborn in that picture in ur profile.
@Faith lol, you live with your dogs, if you think applying “learned helplessness” helps you train them, that’s not my problem. that’s my fully trained service dog who sat in the hospital throughout my entire labor & delivery. (: I’m sorry i made you upset by trying to share actual information. You can always ignore people you don’t enjoy hearing from.
@Parker 又 service dog or not. Dog is a dog. All I’m saying is. Certain dogs need certain shi and learned helplessness. It’s not bad. Because overtime they don’t need to be helpless anymore because they know that you’re going to keep repeating and re-correcting until they fix it. You just hear the term learned helplessness and it sounds sad and scary but try dealing with a 200 pound dog without re-correcting idk how many times until he listens. All I know is my dog is well behaved, very loved, and very happy and he’s never been trained with a treat. He gets treats, just not for doing a task that he should already be doing.
@Faith lol whatever you say.
Learned helplessness is literally a bad thing. It simply should not be utilized in training or behavioral modification plans. Maybe you don’t mean what you are actually saying & just don’t know it. Here’s a great dog trainer speaking on the reason why using food rewards works for dogs.,if%20the%20teacher%20compliments%20him.
@Faith literally haven’t been tagging you, lol I posted the resources to back my statements so the original poster can go look at them whenever they have the time. (: I already told you you can ignore me
@Faith I'm not sure where you are getting your information. Could you link a specific video or article? Learned Helplessness occurs when an animal cannot escape or avoid repeated painful or otherwise unwarranted aversive corrections. Dogs get to a point where they simply accept the abuse and believe there is nothing they do that will stop what's happening to them. They feel they have lost total control and at that point, they stop learning. LH training methods are used with a combination of other things as behavioral therapy for animal that have been put into abusive situations and need to unlearn LH not as an obedience training method. Boerboels are wonderful dogs but highly sensitive. They were not bred to hunt lions. Rhodesian Ridgebacks where bred to hunt lions and is apart of there lineage but Boerboels are specifically bred to guard the home from large animals. Boerboels are bred to be very loyal and family friendly while also extremely protective.
Using LH methods will teach your dog to fear and distrust you instead of respect you. Training your pet is not all about rewards or corrections. Rewards and Corrections are to be used in combination when they are starting out so that you build trust and rapport with your animal. It's all about you learning to read how they respond to you and then learning how you will respond to their behaviors. After you have built trust then you can extend your training into more command and body language based methods. Dogs that have been bred for their loyalty are effected the worst when one tries to initiate LH methods as a means to control their dog.
@Sarah 🗣️ thank you. I did not have the energy to type all that out after the vibe I got from the response I got lol
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@Parker 又 😂 I had to think about it but then couldn't stop myself from correcting the misinformation.
@Sarah lolol that’s why I made my original comment to begin with.
@Sarah my dogs parents were brought from South Africa where they were used to hunt lions. I am happy to send u his pedigree as well as the trainers I’ve talked to and worked with. He is a 200lb dog. We train him to protect, not to be a house pet. He happens to be the biggest baby and cuddles but very protective when we are out and about. He is very happy with his life and we haven’t snipped his ears nor neutered him. The previous owner docked his tail and f’ed him up mentally. He didn’t even like people food he was afraid of it. Learned helplessness for some dogs is the only way because he genuinely didn’t even know sit at 1 year old. It’s not abuse. It’s correction.
@Parker 又 what's crazy is that I was writing my post after seeing the reaction to your first post but also feeding my daughter at the same time so I completely missed everything in-between. I just want to commend you on your patience and Thank You for sharing such great resources for others to access 🫶🏻
@Sarah never once have we laid a hand to him. He simply gets redirected to the corner when he moves without command. He is in timeout for a reason
@Faith I never said you did just simply wanted to share that LH is something completely different from correcting or redirecting.
@Sarah hahah I feel you! And thank you!! As a dog trainer who mainly on focuses in through a cognitive lens I try really hard to follow through with the same attitude towards humans. (: I once also believed that reward history would never translate without active rewards present but then I got mentors and actual lived experience AND decided to embark on more research to be able to prove my lived experiences were not a one off.
@Sarah I think the term faith is looking for is “extinction” not learned helplessness but that’s me taking a guess.
@Parker 又 ur lil slick ah comment was jus as pathetic as ur knowledge
@Parker 又 u let ur nasty ah dog lick your newborn. U can sit out of this conversation
lmfao. @Faith you are mad at me for what? For sharing my knowledge that I have gotten from opening books & having mentors & lived experiences? For saying I think you’re using the wrong terminology and you don’t even realize it? I never said you were abusing your dog, I said learned helplessness is a bad thing that shouldn’t be a part of any training or behavioral modification plan.
@Parker 又 Yes that term or possibly a bad version of an outdated technique called "avoidance correcting" which if I remember correctly is the pre-curser to "extinction." @Faith Name calling and insults really aren't necessary. It only serves to cancel out any point your trying to get across and make others not want to listen to you. Just food for thought.
@Sarah which likely isn’t their fault! Dog training is an unregulated field, terminology has various understandings & definitions people operate under, that’s exactly why I felt the need to say anything at all, but you already know all this. 😌🤣
I’ve been stopping whenever our new dog starts pulling. I start walking again when I’m ready so he knows to fallow me. To stop the growls and barks I watch him and as soon as I see he is going to growl or bark I break his attention from whatever it is. This is my first time with a medium size breed I’ve only had a small dog before. So I’m still learning too