This was me two days ago, I cried every time I put her on the boob as the pain was so horrific and my mental health took such a hit. I expressed that night to make sure she was fed and to give me some relief and my nipples a rest. I did however manage to go back to the boob the following day, I switched to a cross cradle hold and sandwich pinch which I found on YouTube and that helped though still a far from perfect latch and pain still at times (I stick a finger in her mouth to relatch her). Also nipple cream (the purple one, begging with L) after every feed and silver nipple cups have helped. I emailed our local infant Feeding Team yesterday and have an app with them tomorrow to get more advice as I want to try to continue if at all possible. Whatever decision you make, a fed baby is the best option and ot absolutely does not impact on your ability to be his mummy, your smashing it regardless. I really hope you get a resolution that works for you xx
I’m still waiting for baby #2 to arrive but could have written this myself with my first. I bf her for four days and had v similar issues. It affected my MH badly and I equally felt super guilty. I switched to formula and it was the best thing I could have done. It’s entirely your choice but my HV and midwife at five day check were super supportive. My daughter is 3.5 now and personally for me changing made zero difference to her, she was always fed and I was a much happier mama. Good luck with whatever you decide to do x
Thanks everyone. I had someone come out today and assist me with positions to feed baby and what not, but it's still so difficult. I've had so much misleading advice and info from many different midwives too, it's all getting a bit much and I feel awful for my lil guy but I think I just know I have to switch now. I'm in so much pain.
@Megan I have just moved from ebf to formula and my little boy was just under 3 weeks, I felt so guilty and had a cry about it but I needed to put my mental health first, you’ve got to look after your mental health as much as you can lovely!!❤️
Like so many I had a rough start to bf. So much pain and difficulty latching despite help. I used to use the cross cradle but now use the ‘laid back approach’ which helps her latch and she burps herself due to more upright position, I used the purple nipple cream from day 1 but doesn’t stop the pain. I’m now 3 weeks and broken through the pain barrior the midwives talked about gees ebf is hard! Writing this at 4.20am in the morning ebf. Baby been feeding every hour 😩
This happened to me first time round and after 2 weeks of what I would call hell and pain i stopped and exclusively pumped. Those two weeks I didn't enjoy my baby. Second baby, after day 2 I packed it in as the same was happening again. Now pumping. I have actually enjoyed the first two weeks this time due to stopping early! Do formula for your mental health or try pumping Don't be hard on yourself xxx
@Megan I could bf in the initial few days but not sufficient supply so i had to also formula feed, for which i felt guilty. I was advised to continue formula and bf and then in between, express/pump, massage to stimulate, do skin to skin, eat certain foods. I did this for a few more days, but it left me constantly in this cycle and with mental overload. I then gave up the bf and feel so relieved. In my mind, I gave it a go. Plus, I want to enjoy these moments with my newborn, not be in agony or cry throughout out of guilt. My baby is more fulfilled and I'm not stressed out. She had my colestrum and early milk, i'm satisfied with that! Take care xx
Exact same experience here my boy would only take one side, had a number of midwife’s show me different holds and positions for the other side and it only ever worked short term before not work in for us again. My one side ended up with a really bad cracked nipple that bled and I’d sob in pain. Eventually made the switch to formula as baby had drank the colostrum dry and my milk supply was slow coming in and he just needed to be fed. I did try combo feeding for a few days but decided to just got with formula in the end, it was tough and felt sad to not be able to go further with the breast feeding journey but ultimately it was best for us both… best of luck to you xx
I’ve had the same experience! Both my nipples have become sore and cracked, I moved on to formular and baby girl settles so much better now too! Baby will still try looking for your breast most likely for comfort for the first few days/ week but don’t feel discouraged muma! If you feel this is what’s best for you and baby then that’s what you need to do❤️ Keep going! You got this❤️xx
I had this same issue with my now two week old baby girl and now we’re doing a mixture of formula and breast milk. Have you tried using a nipple shield for latching issues? It’s honestly made such a difference for me that I cried! There are also other things available like using a Hakka throughout the day to catch fall out ( you can find better versions of this that are more discrete to wear though) that along with pumping has given me the confidence to be able to take back a little more control over my day! We still use formula in between all of this though, it’s actually become really important to our routine!
Search “Alissa Brown IBCLC” on YouTube. She is fantastic and helped me to be able to breastfeed our second born with NO PAIN. I am also visiting a lactation consultant tomorrow to check positioning and attachment and to make sure I’m doing it right- don’t struggle on by yourself as you will end up being sore which makes it an awful experience. Good luck mama! 🤍🤍
Hi mama, same boat… one side just doesn’t latch as well and I’ve already developed a milk bleb on it which is painful, I still try to nurse on that side because of the engorgement but I’m afraid every time! I had the infant feeding team nurse come out to me today who helped advise on latch and would recommend speaking to the equivalent in your local trust as they’re great at giving personalised guidance I will note though that generally I’m not enjoying breastfeeding, it feels like a huge huge burden that’s solely on mama and personally gives me such bad sensory overload, it really makes my face, neck and chest feel like there’s an unscratchable tingly itch under the skin and makes me want to rip off any hair that’s dangling on or around my neck