Personally both myself and my son have had a tongue tie, I only had mine revised at 25 as they didn’t pick up on it for me as a kid, I felt an instant relief in tension on my jaw after having mine done! I would get an achy jaw constantly from talking or just eating and since having it done I don’t get any of that anymore so I would suggest looking at your options for releasing. My son had his done at 9 weeks on the NHS and after a minute of crying once it was snipped he was absolutely fine afterwards and exploring his tongue being able to move properly! May I ask how come it wouldn’t be through the NHS?
My daughter had a moderate posterior tongue tie. I didn't see any obvious signs, but we were struggling with breastfeeding. I was breastfeeding/topping up with formula/pumping as I we were slow to get going, and my supply was low. Eventually, around 7 weeks, we saw a private tongue tie practitioner who came to us at home. She did an assessment using a structured scoring scale that looks at tongue movement and function. Our score was borderline for whether a release would help. We went for it, and I feel the increase in tongue movement meant my daughter was able to feed more efficiently and remove more milk. She is 15 weeks old now, 50th percentile and no longer needs top ups.
Okay thanks. Who did you use privately?
@Charlotte we used someone local to us who was recommended and who covers NE London - 'tongue tie away'. You can find someone local to you on this website:
If she’s feeding and growing well, even if she does have a tie, does anything need doing to it? My little one was diagnosed with a tie the day she was born but since it didn’t interfere with her latch and feeding I didn’t see any benefit to a procedure.
If there is no big problems, then I would leave it. Ties are way over treated and “diagnosed”.
As long as she’s getting enough milk really as not sure if she’s tiring herself out with it. I am happy to leave it as don’t mind a bit of pain to me because of it but wanted to know whether would affect her later in life like speech or developing wise
Hmmm oops, I think I missed where you’d said you were having some pain and clicking with feeds, so I suppose things aren’t necessarily all fine now. I think it really comes down to whether the problems you’re currently having and the “maybe” problems down the road with speech are more hassle than you think it would be to get her tie evaluated and possibly revised.
I found this article about the effects of tongue ties on speech development interesting Especially the part where it says most kids referred for speech problems related to tongue ties were having age appropriate speech errors.
Thanks julianna. Will have a read. Yes an but sure about the pros of having it done if she’s okay putting on weight etc but just thought might be best doing younger of affect her later
My daughter had a tongue tie but this went undetected until she was around 4 months as she was still gaining weight. She would be on the boob for around 40-50 minutes at a time, every hour. I wanted to give up breastfeeding because it was so hard on my mental health, but after the tongue tie division she fed perfectly! If we couldn’t get it on tje NHS I definitely would have gone down the private route as it helped us so much