Night changes and leaky nappies help 😭

We’ve had near enough constant issues with leaky nappies with my almost 2 week old. We’re getting there with tesco nappies, hoping as he grows he’ll fit in. However, I’m having some issues with the nights. Me and my partner agreed he’d take on most/all the night changes as I’m the one up feeding and winding him, however I keep waking up and baby is soaked due to leaks. My partner is saying that we shouldn’t change baby as much in the night as it wakes him up, but my stance is that we can’t leave him in wet clothes. I don’t know how to get this through to him, that if he is wet he needs changing but also is baby not too young to be expected to only be changed once in a night? Any help or advice would be amazing, had a really shit night 😔
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Try sizing up the nappies! The weights on the size is just a guide! My first always needed to size up ahead of the weight range! Also make sure your husband knows the frills need to be pulled out! X

We have a three-four week old now, and the past week we’ve been getting leaking nappies too my knee sometimes go through the clothes. We’ve had to start changing her more often/preventative. I think she’s just weeing more than usual as she develops. I agree with making sure that fluffy bits are pulled out. We use the Audi ones in there K. But I have some people find spending the extra money on Pampers worth it. I agree with you, you can’t leave in wet clothes. We try change her nappy less in the night as it does wake them, but if it needs to be done, it’s gotta be done! 🥱🥱 Good night, I know it’s a massive faff in the night 💕*good luck (phone spelling)

I have found that Tesco nappies leak quite a lot, we are using pampers at the moment - they have all been gifted to us as we asked for nappies etc - I wouldn’t necessarily buy them myself as they are expensive. However I have also used Aldi nappies and they are amazing so maybe try an alternative and see if that helps with the leeks! I had to explain to my partner that he wouldn’t want to lay in wet clothes/underpants all night!xx

Id change them at the start of a feed at the minimum just incase, they've normally always done a wee in-between, I'd find sometimes they'd need a change at the end again too, I found the Tesco ones fine with our little boys in the past but sometimes would need to size up if they were leaking, also making sure that their bits were pointed down when doing the nappy helps aswell! The Sainsbury's nappies are pretty good too I've found though! X

I change after a feed at night and yes there has been a few times I pick him up and he's got a wet patch.. I think no nappy is 100% leak proof. I personally wouldn't wake mine up.. he wakes anyway every 1-2 hours so I'd change him on next waking. If he was sleeping 5-6 hours I would change him but when it's such a hard time sleep wise.. them being a bit wet for half an hour isn't a big deal. If they're happily sleeping let them. Id be changing my son every 20 mins if I never wanted him to have a wet nappy which isn't realistic

Aldi brand have been amazing for me. Make sure fluffy parts are pulled out between the legs that’s the only time I had a leak!

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