I would say so, sorry
Is there any chance it may not be a miscarriage 😢
I never got inplantation bleeding so I'm not sure how heavy it is.. but that happens in very early pregnancy too. I hope it's not a miscarriage 😕 xx
I hope this isn’t the same person from the other post I commented on, it is classed as on the heavy side but I really pray for you it’s not a miscarriage. Call EPU and describe how heavy it is they might get you in today. Sending my love ❤️x
I’m afraid given the clot size and the bleeding amount, and the colour, it is more likely a MC, but really hoping it’s not! X
There is a thing called threatened miscarriage where your body is basically threating it. That can cause bleeding and abdominal pain. I’d get either options confirmed tho. If it’s threatened you need to chill and rest as much as possible. But this seems like a lot of blood and clot x
I had some bleeding at 6 weeks but nothing this heavy. Praying everything works out for you 🙏
I have a scan in an hour, I’m praying it’s miraculously okay but I don’t think it will be- prayers please x
I did spot at around 5/6 weeks with baby being ok but it wasn’t this heavy. I’m really sorry that it’s won’t be what you want to hear. Really hope it’s not MC- thinking of you today and hope the scan goes ok
Thinking of you and praying all is okay. ❤️
There are many reasons for bleeding in early pregnancy and they're not always sinister. I had a lot more bleeding than this for over a week and I'm currently sitting with my 4 month old sleeping. 🤞🏻 For you
I had loads of heaving bleeding with my boy. I'm thinking of you and sending positive thoughts xx
So sorry you're experiencing this. Praying your scan goes well! I had very heavy bleeding at 13 weeks with small clots and Dr told me it was a 'threatened miscarriage', fast forward to now and my baby boy has just turned 6 months. Bleeding in pregnancy is common but there is always a chance that sadly it's due to miscarriage. Really hope all is ok 🤍
Thank you for your positive stories ♥️ I’ll let you know how it goes, walking into hosp now x
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I’ve been on both ends where this type of bleeding was indeed a miscarriage and then I’ve been on the end where it turned out to be a SCH and pregnancy progressed. You will need an ultrasound to diagnose because it can go either way. Hoping that you have a positive outcome!
Sending all my love ❤️
Let us know 🥺 praying for you
Hope everything is well x
I unfortunately think it is , implantation bleeding is very light and pink hue. I bled once when I was around 8/9 weeks pregnant and again it was pink and very little. It most likely will be a miscarriage but go to the doctors right away to find out I hope all is well xx
Hi all, the sac is still there there’s just a huge clot around it
Hey i had ALOT heavier bleeding at 6 weeks with my first … and this ended up carrying on for months. It wasnt a miscarriage. In this circumstance dont look to online for advice , get checked it will always be better for your mental state. 🩷
Gosh reading through this it was like an emotional rollercoaster for few seconds before I read your last update. I’m glad the sac is still there! I hope the rest of your pregnancy carries on safely. Glad it’s not a miscarriage! And positive to know that if you experience bleeding like this it doesn’t necessarily mean miscarriage. X
The fact the sac is still there is a really positive sign! Will you have any follow ups?
I hope everything goes smooth for you 🙏
They prescribed me progesterone, I have a scan next week although she wanted to wait 2 weeks. I’m still passing clots hoping it eases but she also said some people bleed all through their pregnancy and she said the sac looks like it’s holding on well so here’s to keeping hope. Thank you all so much ♥️
Bless you must’ve been so scared, I hope this has reassured you a little bit; hope all keeps going well 🫶🏼🫶🏼
It sounds like they have been really helpful, especially in prescribing the progesterone! I hope it continues to go well for you x
Sending lots of love and hope your way 🤍🤍
I feel like I’m on my period, this feels like a crazy rollercoaster 🎢
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I bled in pregnancy and it was called a subchorionic haematoma. Maybe that's what your experiencing. X
FYI my daughter is 14 months old today xx
I had bleeding with all 3 of my kiddos. I also had a hematoma that caused me to bleed often during my 3rd. It was scary! But hope your little one stays put safe inside ❤️🩹
I bled throughout my pregnancy and even had a full on period with clots that looked like a miscarriage. I’ve also had light bleeding that was because I was miscarrying… always better to go in one extra time to make sure everything’s ok rather than not go and regret it later… I’m so glad the sac is still there!
Well hope all is ok fingers crossed 🤞
I had this but went to the doctors was connected with fibroids baby was ok but it was a journey. Go see the doctor if you can
I personally can’t say if you’re Miss caring or not but I can say with my first pregnancy. It was about like 4 to 6 weeks. I bled for two weeks straight and everything was OK so like everyone else is saying in the comments go get checked out.
My old boss had periods throughout her entire pregnancy. I hope you are okay! Prayers for you!!
Hi guys, for those of you saying to get checked- I went in today there’s still a pregnancy sac. There’s also a huge clot around it. I have a follow up with them next Tuesday. They wanted me to leave it 2 weeks but my anxiety wasn’t going to accept that. I feel the bleeding is calming down not sure if taking progesterone has any impact on that but also taken my first dose. For me I accept whatever the outcome is I just want to know I did everything in my power to give this baby the best chance to make it ♥️
You’re super strong, you should be really proud of yourself ❤️
I had bleeding at 11 weeks, went for a scan and it was twins! Sending positive thoughts xxx
Hi all- update still bleeding like a period and passing clots. The kind I was reassured isn’t a sac. Scan in a couple of days to see if this bubba is here to stay and grow. Praying still 😢
Hi all, I unfortunately lost this pregnancy. Thanks for all your support ♥️
I'm so sorry, I lost two pregnancies so I know exactly how you feel 🤍🤍 sending lots of love ❤️ you will get your rainbow 🌈❤️
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Oh gosh I can’t imagine. There’s nothing I can say that could comfort you but you’re in my thoughts and sending you so much love ❤️
I’m so sorry love. Sending hugs. ❤️
I’m so sorry. Sending love, be kind to yourself ❤️
Im so sorry😢Sending so much love your way. Please take good care of yourself❤️
Also my messages are open if you ever want to talk xxx
It looks like the start of an early miscarriage- see if blessing stops or gets heavier. From the pic in the comments I would say yes - go drs if unsure xx x