I had an emergency c-section a week ago so am feeling slightly unprepared in understanding the recovery process. Everything I read online says “don’t over do it” but I feel like this guidance is quite vague. How am I meant to know if I’ve over done it until it’s too late and got an infection or something? I’m fine walking up and down the stairs and am quite mobile around the house (e.g. washing up bottles, making some toast, picking baby up from crib etc.). I am now able to carefully shower on my own and prefer to stand/pace due to back pains from a long labour. I’m not able to bend down fully to pick stuff up and have discomfort in my stomach/by my scar at points during the day so I take some painkillers. I am doing the rolling into side technique to get in/out of bed which I see is very normal online. I can’t sit comfortably upright on the sofa with my legs up or in bed with my back against the headboard - is this just a bad position overall? I guess I’m just wondering if this sounds about right? I always just assumed I’d be completely immobile for a few weeks after a surgery. Please let me know your experiences or what you think of mine? Thank you!
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You are doing okay. Things like walking, stairs, doing light housework, showering. I was going to the shops and having a short walk every day after a week. That’s all normal. Just don’t carry the hoover upstairs much, don’t carry a full laundry basket, don’t aim for 10k steps a day, don’t push a full trolley at the supermarket. It’s things that cause strain rather than being active. You’ll know if you’ve “overdone it” as you might have heavier bleeding that day or feel more bruised like the drugs aren’t working as much xx

Sounds like you're recovering well! The main advice I followed was to not lift anything heavier than the baby for the first 6 weeks. It felt quite limiting, but I was also mobile and not in much pain. You're avoiding overworking your abdominals by rolling over, etc. Otherwise, avoid movements/positions that are painful- this is generally how you know if you're over doing it! The midwife should check your scar when you see them. Good luck with your recovery!

It sounds like you’re doing well! You are supposed to move around to prevent blood clots and speed up recovery but not enough to over exert yourself so i’d say you’re doing just the right amount

That sounds okay and is how I was too. I was walking around straight away even in the hospital. The only thing I struggled with was getting up in bed so I bought a wedge pillow and slept upright for a few weeks. I think you’d know if you were overdoing it because you’d find it more painful so if there’s anything you found a bit hard, try to limit it if possible x

Hi! I had an emergency C-section back in November. It sounds like you're recovering well! Overdoing it can be different for each person, which is why that advice is so vague. It sounds like you have a good idea of what you're tolerating. Movement is good for you, honestly the worst thing you can do post op is be immobile- immobility stagnates healing.

Listen to your body, everyone is different in their recovery. Make sure you are resting more than usual, don't pick up anything heavier than your baby. I went for a walk about a week after my section and I regretted it as I had alot of pain in my wound. You also may notice heavier bleeding if you've overdone it aswell. Make sure you keep moving slow and steady!

Recovery from a c section is a lot worse than a natural birth. I've had c sections so I know what you're going through!! Absolutely, check with the hospital if it's not recovering as expected

This was my dilemma to!! I’m 10 days post emergency and I do light housework and walk for about 15-20 mins each day then do a bit more the day after if I’m ok with it. You’ll know your own body. X

That sounds ok i think over doing it would be too much houswork like hoovering everywhere or going long walks out shopping etc keep on top of your meds i also had to sleep sitting up for a good few weeks too

Just do what you think you can, i didn’t hoover for 6 weeks but everything else i did if it didn’t hurt! If you walk too far or do too much you’ll probably heavily bleed that night so you know you’ve over done it xx

Sounds like you are doing great !!! I was the same. Listen to your body 😀

You sound right on track!! My timeline was short walks and light chores days 2-4, longer walks and light chores until about 2 weeks, regular walking and sometimes fast walking pace and regular chores 2-4 weeks, light strength training and faster walks weeks 5-6, jogging week 6, completely back to regular activities week 8

I’m in the same boat girly! All these comments are right and I started to feel much better by 4 weeks. I kept wondering if I was doing too much because of how much pain I was in. I used a heating pad at bed time to help heal and wore tighter shorts to compress a little but not too much.

@Millie bleed from the stitches?

no , heavier lochia x

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