With the Colief; do you wait 30 mins before feed? This was the absolute game changer for my baby x
Have you tried taking her to an Oesteopath? My daughter was exactly the same way and when we took her he said she had abdominal tightness that caused her pain. She would feed more to help her try and go to the toilet to get some relief. 4 sessions at the Oesteo and she had no more of those symptoms. It was life changing for her xx
@Courtney I have a doctor's appointment booked again for him today, is this something they can put forward and advice? x
@Katie I don't no. Would there be a big difference do you think? xx
Yes, honestly it made the world of difference for my baby- please try and let me know it may just be the game changer for you xx
@Kirsty the Gp gave my daughter infant gaviscon which made her terribly constipated. After that I tried the Osteopath. It was something I had to pay privately for xx
Could be infant dyschezia, which is when they struggle to coordinate the muscles to poop/pass wind. I saw a video of a doctor advising parents when their baby is struggling to tickle their anus with something soft to help draw their attention to that area. Worth a try if nothing else has worked thus far x
I also could advice to check what you are eating. I stopped eating garlic, onion, not too much spices etc. And if it's not this than maybe try to pump and use anticolic bottles. I recommend MAM. I also use infacol and gripe water. I heard good things from people with babies suffering ftom colic that colics stopped after they went to baby chiropractor. Good luck ☺
It could be something in your diet that he’s reacting too x