Getting induced!

39+1 I'm getting induced tomorrow, with a balloon. It's my first time getting induced, never did with my first ( was an emergency Cesarean) so not too sure what to expect. Is anyone going through the same or has done already?
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Hey! I’m getting induced tmw too!

I got induced and all I had was some contractions for a few hours then it would stop, then they would try another pill and I had contractions for 2 more hours and then stop. I didn’t dilate even one cm! I had c section in the end!

@Ayoosha hii, good luck mama!!

@Denise that's mustve been tiresome. Did you start off with a pill?

hi friend! good luck 🍀 for me personally inserting the balloon was the worst part lol SO painful so only thing i would say is know that u can request the epidural or pain management etc. whenever you’ve had enough. i wish i would’ve known that because they tried it 4 times before i got the epidural!! then once i got the epidural they got it in first try and it was in for no joke 2 minutes and it broke my water so they had to take it back out lol im praying if the same happens to u ur body dilates naturally and u don’t have another c section but know that u could still go in for a natural delivery and leave w a c section. sending u all my love and positive energy for your delivery! 🤍

I was induced last week when I got there luckily I was already 2cm dilated so they put me straight onto the hormone drip which was very very painful but it was my second baby so the drip started at 10pm he was here by 1am! ☺️

@Annie thank you Annie, I need all the luck I can get 🙏

@Jessica I had the hormone drip with my previous pregnancy, it truly Is painful

@Jessica @Sanah what is the hormone drip?? is it just pitocin or like what

@Annie yes pitocin! They call it hormone drip in the UK :)

@Jessica oh okay i see thank you lol

There are loads of positive induced birth/labour vlogs on YouTube btw if you want to get insight into different experiences with it and maybe be put at ease a bit!:)

@Clara I'll have a watch, thank you! Anxiety is through the roof atm

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