
I can see a line on the first response but nothing on a clearblue 6 day early
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I think first response is more sensitive and picks up hcg from 6ml

I just did another and positive within 3 mins again

An see on both

Thank you I think the clearblue was a shadow tho as was white when in person but I’ll try again tomorrow morning!

The FRER is slightly more sensitive but I can see it in the CB vvvvf

@Yog yeah I read it’s 6.3 whereas the clearblue is 10! But I went in a right mood just before this thinking it was negative 🤣🤣🤣

FRER is actually a lot lower, they just aren’t allowed to market it at that. I had a blood test with 3iu HCG in my system and there was a faint line on FRER, easy @ home, but CB I could see a shadow if I rolled around on the floor with it in the daylight.

Unfortunately I did another when I got home and it’s still the same/maybe lighter. So not sure if it’s faulty or I’m not pregnant anymore..

Give it sometime and be positive

Surely it shouldn’t be the same/lighter. I have the same tests to compare when I got pregnant with my girl (only living baby) and I had 2 frers in 4 hours of each other and the one I did 4 hours later was very dark compared to the other! Same tests :( before her I had a chemical, so I’ve been in the same position before x

HCG doubles every 48 hrs so I wouldn’t worry right now

I mean it still shouldn’t be lighter, I’m not gonna gaslight myself this time into thinking it’ll be fine when I don’t think it will be🤣 fhank you though x

I think it’s getting darker

Do you think?

Yes try another brand tests the cheap ones

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I’ve got some easy at homes coming today but they give indents. I have wondfo but I dunno if it’s indents again x

Looks quite clear congratulations ❤️❤️

@Hal thank you x

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