Literally reminds me of a weakened capri sun!
Had mine yesterday and yeah, the drink was okay, just the lack of food that's the worst! I felt rough a few hours after mine but I think that was the sugar drop more than anything!
How long do you need to fast for
@Vinali I had to fast from 11pm the night before and you can't eat or drink anything other than water until they've done the second blood draw (mine was 9am and 11am). I think some health boards are different though so worth checking your appointment letter for exact times
@Vinali trust me babe, you'll be fine! I'm not sure if it depends on the time of your appointment but no eating after midnight except water!
@Katie I didn’t get no appointment letter
@Katie yeah same here! The lack of food has me feeling a little off, but I'm now gonna treat myself to a cafe breakfast to make up for it, let's hope it stays down lol
Had mine today and the glucose drink was raspberry flavour, it literally tasted like drinking an entire bottle of calpol, which was unpleasant but you have 5 whole minutes to drink it and you can take sips of water. It was literally fine!! No issues. Got a mcdonalds on the way home haha
@Vinali I'd ring your midwife then just to check what they say!
I had mine on Saturday. Had to fast from midnight - only water - until after second blood draw. Tasted like capri sun, with a funny after taste. Had to drink within 10 minutes. Could drink water through the 2 hour wait and use the toilet.. felt fine during and afterwards.
@Katie useless tbh
I’m so worried about this hate blood tests as is it!