Hello, mummas!
My little lady loves standing but only goes to her toes.
Has anyone dealt with this, if so, how did you help your little one get used to standing flat on their feet?
I don’t know how to help you with this specific question but I would suggest following nicole_kids physio on Instagram - she is a paediatric physio based in WA and is incredibly knowledgeable and evidence based when it comes to kids development. She often talks about how a lot of these postures are a normal part of their development and also gives you red flags to look out for to inform when you might need to encourage a change in posture or seek help. Her posts helped me decide that my daughters W sitting posture didn’t need further assessment. It was all normal for her at that particular stage. Hope this helps x
Hello! I don’t know how to help you with this specific question but I would suggest following nicole_kids physio on Instagram - she is a paediatric physio based in WA and is incredibly knowledgeable and evidence based when it comes to kids development. She often talks about how a lot of these postures are a normal part of their development and also gives you red flags to look out for to inform when you might need to encourage a change in posture or seek help. Her posts helped me decide that my daughters W sitting posture didn’t need further assessment. It was all normal for her at that particular stage. Hope this helps x