Anyone had a hernia operation?

I’m scared I won’t wake up from anaesthetic
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I had an umbilical hernia done about 10 days ago! I asked for local anaesthetic though as I’ve been under GA once before and felt so ill for weeks afterwards. Only one consultant was happy to do it under local but it went really well and I’d choose local again. Depends how you are with that sort of thing though. You could ask about spinal block as an alternative xx

Had one as a kid. I'm still here :) it's a pretty common procedure but obv as with every surgery has its risks. This being said if you need the op you need it. Nothing really you can do. Just ask the doc to explain to you all in details so they can make you feel more at ease

@Eleanor they’ve already sent me the paperwork saying I’m having general anaesthetic. It’s on Sunday. I think it’s too late for me to ask for local x

My husband had one removed last year. He woke up about an hour after theatre and I was in recovery with him. He went home after 5 hours of monitoring and he was back to normal almost straight away. His was keyhole through his belly button and a 2 inch hernia xx

Never too late! You always have a choice. It may mean it needs to be re-booked with a different surgeon at a later date but if it’s something you want to consider I’d phone today and discuss it. I think GA is automatically assumed unless someone requests otherwise. When I was admitted to day surgery they asked if I wanted to change to GA and would have done it but I was very clear that was a last resort for me! X

I have not, but I’ve had 7 surgeries under general anesthesia and I’m still standing! But really dying from anesthesia is so rare, it’s like a .00001% chance and is usually due to advanced age and emergency procedures. You’ll be okay!

With anesthesia the anesthesiologist monitors you the whole time and adjusts the medicine accordingly. It is super unlikely anything will go wrong especially with such a quick simple operation like fixing a hernia. I was scared to go under anesthesia with my first c section but everything turned out fine I was just groggy after. It’ll be okay, I hope you recover quickly!

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