We also don't use bedrails because of the entrapment risk. Our mattress is on the floor so there's not far to fall in case he does. But we also sleep in the c curl and I keep one hand on him or behind him all the time so I will know if he starts rolling. Mine is 7 months and crawling now, so highly mobile, but when we cosleep he just wants to be curled up next to me and has rarely even attempted to roll. With breastfeeding, I usually hold him to my chest and barrel roll him to switch sides. He latches himself on with nothing from me sometimes. He's had an annoying habit since birth where he pushes himself way too far upwards on my body when he's hungry, so sometimes I have to yank him back down into position before he latches himself. But he will latch on as long as he's vaguely in the right area. You can feed off just the side during the night, but if it's always the same side, changes are that your supply will increase on just that side (all the time, not just at night!).
Really, my best tips are to just follow the safe sleep 7 and enjoy the snuggles with your little guy!
Bed rails aren't recommended until 18mo due to the entrapment risk. Not a risk worth taking in my opinion.
In terms of your other questions: A floor bed would be the best option in case he rolls off. Is that an option for you? With feeding during the night, if you only feed from one boob the other will become engorged and likely you'll end up with mastitis. You want to avoid this. You can swap sides during the night, either just pick him up and move him, or if that would wake him some people barrel roll with baby. I lie flat and lay baby across me sort of diagonally, so he's on the opposite boob from the side he's lying on. Don't apologise for asking questions! It's how we learn 🙂
I have a mattress on the door with my daughter but she doesn’t roll yet. When she does there’s not far for her to fall at all but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it anyway. I do love having our mattress on the floor, I don’t think I’ve had a single sleepless night because of her since we started (I have insomnia so sleep is difficult but not even slightly because of her)
Get a proper bed rail that covers the bed all the way around (unless one side is against the wall). There’s no “entrapment risk”, that’s just fear mongering. You won’t have gaps/cracks between the bedrail and mattress if it fits properly. I used bedrails when my firstborn was a baby until 2 and a half years old. Otherwise he would fall off the bed from rolling in his sleep.
Bedrails aren’t recommended as they pose an entrapment risk to your little one. We’ve co slept since birth using the c curl position, my LO has just started rolling but doesn’t roll in his sleep due to the c curl position and if he does try to roll it wakes me up as he hits my arm. I try to position him in the middle of the bed and I’m on the edges as well so he does roll there’s space, we also padded the floor out blankets just in case he does. With breastfeeding I switch sides in the night usually just move my little one over to the other side or I’ll just move round to the other side of the bed (I know this possible if your partner is also in the bed). My LO does just latch himself on and off throughout the night most the time as well. Follow happy co sleepy on insta she has some really good tips and free guides! Happy co sleeping x