I read this article https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14346181/safety-alert-RSV-vaccine-millions-risk.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton&sfnsn=scwspwa
Thank you for sharing that it’s really helpful x
No problem lovely xx
I did read somewhere that it's not actually new and apparently it's a common vaccine in other countries. And they have introduced it in the uk due a rise in cases... x
The nurse I spoke to said, it’s not new just new to the UK. They have started using it in the UK due to an increase and due to fatalities or babies struggling with it.
This is the only other info I have on it
I hadn’t done any research into this yet as I know it’s something you get quite late on in pregnancy! I got all of them last time I was pregnant, and I will get the whooping cough, I’m dubious about this RSV one for some reason even though I know how dangerous and common it is to little babies now! But I’ll do some more research; from what I’ve read the syndrome it can rarely cause is found in elderly people and less common in younger x
Look at PubMed, this is a database for medical research articles if you want to read the actual research, another database is called cochrane. I found this helpful in making my decision
I'm no help but I'm in the same position. It's very new that I'm abit dubious as youngest is 15mths and I wasn't offered it then. Not sure where to look for any real data, stories etc.