You could take him to the GP for help 💖
That’s around the time when my baby started having reflux. I did see GP for it during our check ups and they prescribed gaviscon but I never gave it to her because I realised she’s never bothered by throwing up. And yes, as the comment above, always looks much more than what it actually is - I realise this after seeing projectile vomitting so never really bothered with reflux. Remember that reflux is super common and natural for babies to have as their orsophaugus develops. I think if baby is not bothered by it and their growth is normal, then it’s good to wait it out - they commonly grow out of it by 1 year old ☺️
Is the vomit clear with cottage cheesy lumps or like a creamy smooth liquid? Usually with overfeeding the spit up is creamy white liquid and with reflux it has chunks of white because it has mixed with the stomach acid. I kmow everyome says you cant overfeed a breastfed baby - thats true in terms of weightgain, they just wont digest/absorb what they dont need but it can make them throw up. Babies that use the teat/nipple to soothe like a dummy can overfeed cause theyre trying to soothe themselves and dont actually need the milk! Clockwise motions on the belly can help with reflux and the i love you massage. You can try that with cold pressed jojoba oil, baby will likely cry when you do it thats normal, just always make sure youre going from left to right and not the other way round. We couldnt burp our little one, we just sit him upright for 20 mins after every feed.
I had a very refluxy baby! First things first is that it always looks way more throw up than it actually is, so try not to worry that your baby isn’t getting adequate food, providing weight gain is ok. We did end up medicating with infant gaviscon as our little one was very grumpy with it, he did eventually grow out of it but not till around 7/8months when he was eating solids and overall more upright. I feel your pain. I walked about covered in a muslin cloth for 8m and constantly was changing clothes