Senarah Toddler Carrier

Does anyone have or know anyone who has one of these carriers? Seen mixed reviews and trying to decide if to get one for my little boy Anyone have anything to say about them
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I have one. They are good for short periods - making a bottle/cuppa or popping into the shop for something quick. I wouldn't recommend long stints, though it puts uneven strain on your joints and will contribute to back pain.

I was thinking about this yesterday as my hip is killing!!

I’ve got one too. They are okay, I personally don’t feel safe using it for a long period as they can easily flung themselves out which scares me a bit!

Someone described them as a ‘hip assist’ rather than a carrier as they’re not safe for hands free carrying x

I don’t really understand why these are a thing!

I don’t have a senarah but I do have a hip seat carrier - my 8m old is over 12kg and it’s a life saver being able to do things around the house whilst he’s being clingy and also for popping into a shop etc from the car rather then getting the full carrier or pram out. Obviously it’s not hands free but just helps hold him more securely and I love it x

@Alesha Which one do you have if you don’t mind me asking?

I also have a hip seat carrier. I've found it really good actually. I just keep it in the car and use it to pop into the shops or wear it around the house if we're having a clingy day. He's very happy perched on it, as he has a better view of everything. The seat takes all the weight and I just keep one arm round his back and the other arm stays free.

@Ellie can I ask which you have?

@Ellie also would like to know

@Molly I got mine on vinted it says Gabesy on the brand ☺️

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