Solids help

My baby will not eat solids. Doesn’t open her mouth for purées and when tried 2-3x solids, and a small tiny piece goes into her mouth (a piece she can just swallow bc it’s so tiny) she freaks and gags and then won’t want to try it again 🫣 Even with Tylenol she gags and hates it.
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My pediatrician says “food before 1 is just for fun” she’s getting all the nutrients she needs from milk. Keep trying little at a time. My daughter did the same thing for a minute and I just kept introducing now she eats 3 meals a day. Gagging is a natural reaction. She’s just trying to learn how to swallow.

Also, try solid starts app. It shows you how to serve the food. Most foods need to be in spears. Not tiny pieces. Those are easier to choke on.

How do you give her solids? With a spoon? I’ve found that giving my baby purées through a baby food pacifier helped him

Maybe she’s not ready? Otherwise, have you tried to let her feed herself or have you only fed her? We use the solid starts app to introduce solids. My son didn’t care for purées either so we went straight to solids.

@Madison I don’t give tiny pieces. I have the app. This is also my 3rd. When she’s eating let’s say a banana, she’s gets some in the mouth and gags and throws the banana away and will not be interested anymore.

@Arlina I have tried spoon and BLW. I just bought the feeders and will try that next!

@Jessilyn maybe she isn’t. She wants to put everything in her mouth except food 🤣 the spoon without food on it she will put in her mouth but if I out purées on it she won’t touch it. I have tried BLW. As long as nothing goes into her mother and she can just suck on it she’s ok. If she gets something in her mouth she will throw away the food and not want to touché it again.

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