I was induced due to waters breaking and no labour happening after 24 hours. My experience was positive had the oxytocin drip as I was slightly dilated, when you're on the drip had someone with me at all times be it a student midwife or a midwife and baby and he constantly monitored. It's n normal to feel scared and the midwives will make you feel at ease 😊 discuss pain relief early I would say!
I was induced because of baby’s size (>97%) and had a beautiful experience. He ended up being breech and needed a c-section. But that had nothing to do with my induction. The process was calm, smooth and enjoyable.
My induction was for the same reason and I was terrified but had such a positive experience! Had the balloon catheter fitted at 6pm on the Friday, waters broke at 4:30pm Saturday and baby was here by 9:30pm. I only used gas and air too! Every experience is different but all I read were negative stories and people feeding me their own bad experiences so you can very easily have a good one! Good luck lovely I hope it goes well ❤️
I was absolutely terrified of being induced and it was something i really didn't want to happen but our baby had reduced growth so they were worried he wasn't getting what he needed in there anymore. I'm actually really glad that I was induced in the end. I was induced in the hospital at 2pm and baby arrived at 3am the next morning so super quick which was amazing. I'd had two sweeps and one pessary, all of which were just a bit uncomfortable but absolutely fine. I liked knowing that it was happening in the end, and for me being able to be in the hospital before going into labour was nice too. Don't think induction is on anyone's birth plan, but it will be absolutely fine - you've got this!
My induction was positive, I only ended up emergency c section due to baby's cord. But I was induced at 37 weeks due to my illness. They stopped it that night as I was moving fast and they were short staffed they decided to do it the following night. Pain was slow and increased over the night, I was in the pool for most of it that night. I was 3cm and got an epidural as the pain increased and that was at 6am and 10cm by 10am. The broke my waters at some point and felt nothing but release. I began pushing at around 11 and everything was going well until they found the cord was stopping her from being pushed out fully. I used the suppository and IV as my cervix wasn't ready to use the balloon. Good luck babe. The midwives were really great and I felt fully supported through everything. They were brilliant.
My induction was positive :) I had gel inserted and 4 hours later I was 6cm and had my waters broken. I took an epidural after this as contractions were so strong (they normally are following induction). 7pm I was ready to push. 10.44pm she arrived. So from my side mine was positive as I only needed one gel to get things going :)
First baby was induced and gave birth within 6 hours. No tears or any complications xx
❤️ sending love and strength!!
I was induced with a foley balloon as my baby was big too! I also had gestational diabetes. It came out in 24 hours but i did not expect the cramping, etc. You should take Tylenol for that. They broke my water after the balloon fell out. I got hooked up to oxytocin... But I don't know if that did anything really. I got the epidural and pushed for 2 1/2 hours and my babes came out.
Thank you ladies all so much 🥺 I’ve only really heard/read horror stories about inductions so this is really reassuring and comforting that things can go positively 🙏🏼 I’ll keep you posted with how everything goes over the next couple of days!
Drink some red raspberry leaf tea today