No Nap club

Anyone else’s kiddo a member of the “no nap club” yet? WFH mom and dad here. Ours dropped consistently napping around 23 months, rarely sleeping and instead jumping or playing with her lovey in her crib during her nap time. At 25m her grandparents came and we did a bunch of activities, missing nap time completely and she slept from 8p-9am… and has done this consistently without naps. Anyone else there? Just looking for solidarity here 😂
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My four year old has been a member for the last year, but just recently my 26 month old dropped naps. But at least she goes to bed quickly at night lol

Sometimes she gets tired around 5 PM, but that’s when we go outside lol again

I think we’re kinda there. She used to nap anywhere from 2.5-3 hours this past year but here we are at 45 mins with the first hour just playing with her stuffies in the crib.

Mine dropped around 22 months but then just recently picked it back up. At this point I'm just along for the ride 🥴

My daughter 26 month started dropping her naps on her second birthday but the last few days she started to nap again 😅

Our nap schedule is all fucked up. Sometimes he’ll go down around 1 sometimes not until 6

Mine is inconsistent now but still napping. I know it's coming though 🥲

it depends on what we do that day. some days she REFUSES but then others she’s out

lol yall after posting this she ASKED for a nap today. I am shook

Mine dropped naps like a lead balloon a month or two ago… unless we’re in the car around what would be nap time, then he will fall asleep. He starts getting a little loopy around 5pm, but that’s when we do dinner and then he’ll usually go right to sleep no problem at 6pm, sleep until 6:30am-7:00am

Oh man I’m holding onto naps for dear life. Our kid is low sleep needs so we cap his naps to 90 mins and then he sleeps 10 hours overnight. I need that nap time for me time!

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