We have the same problem! He hasn’t been since Sunday, got given some lactulose & to feed the a bottle of the Kendamil ready feed formula and he went several times within an hour! The ready to feed has laxative in it I believe
If she’s on the classic Kendamil try the ready to feed ones if you haven’t already, they are thinner and often act as a natural laxative xx
No suggestions but my wee boy is 2 weeks today too and also formula fed & constipated. Wonder if there’s something about the 2 week mark!
Thank you everyone so helpful x
@Jade Yes so my older daughter got prescribed lactolose but was a little bit older. I tried asking the pharmacist today but she wanted her to be seen by a doctor before advising to give it. Glad you’ve said they do give it at this age cos I know it helped my first xx
My daughter is like this too. If they’re not in pain or struggling with it then don’t worry too much. We were recommended to feed pre made and it sometimes helps them go. But if she’s fine in herself then it’s nothing to worry about. Mine usually goes just when I’m contemplating going to the urgent care walk in centre for a suppository, she’s yet to get one 😂 it’s usually a mid night explosion too 🙈😫😴
Try giving him a warm bath! My LO was constipated last week and this helped him he’s now been fine since
The kendamil ready to feed bottles are great for getting them to poo !
Doing some tummy massages help, YouTube is great for visuals :) did you harvest any colostrum ? Xx