@Natalya I've got the switch all charged ready to play sims 😂
I'm in the process of being induced atm, i'd say pack double the amount of clothes you think you need if you're not allowed to go home. Sometime you might be multiple different methods (24 hrs each). Plus a lot of hospitals are understaffed atm so if you need your waters broken you may be waiting longer than you'd think
@Charlotte I’ve done the same but for animal crossing😂😂😂
I’ve had my induction confirmed today for 38 weeks (currently 35+2) for baby on 4th percentile! Just have to wait a few days for my exact date to come through. I’ll be taking my iPad (will download lots of films/TV) and my switch (probably will play the sims, animal crossing or professor layton😅) as I’ll be having the pessary and they expect it to take a while, I’m also planning on taking plenty of pyjamas to feel clean and comfy, my pregnancy pillow and probably my own ball. I’ve also ordered some essential oil lavender spray. I like to move in whenever I go somewhere😂
@Amy-May I'm literally the same I'm bringing my blanket and all my fave pj's 😂 got all my switch games ready x
Take something to keep you busy! Also snacks😂