For my first kid I did nothing. Lived my life as normal but I did work 40-45 hours up until 6 days before she was born so I was always on my feet standing and walking. For my second I went out walking for 4-5 hours it was a huge park so there was stopping and sitting but I was out all day and I went into labor a few hours later. My water broke at home in the bathroom for both my pregnancies.
I tried eating dates but they are disgusting. I cant enjoy them 😒. Sex is work now so i don’t want that
Nope. I was induced 4 days after my due date. He was never going to come out. I almost had to have a c-section bc my water was broke for so long. Thankfully my doctor had patients. My child was born but wasn’t breathing right away but after 30 seconds of some oxygen and the best nurses I heard him cry.