Maternity and Elective C Section!
This is my second pregnancy and had my first at Barnet Hospital (C Section) but struggled with the going and coming back, so this time round I want to do everything at Northwick Park Hospital but when it comes to birth I want to go Barnet Hospital. Choosing to be elective C Section. I’m absolutely terrified as I heard many more negative stories from NWPH and nothing bad from BH
Any tips please
Is that something I can do??
Ive never had a c-section so I can't comment on the protocol and with it being elective. Have you considered Edgware birth centre.? Or is that also a bit far to travel? I used to live in Enfield and moved to Stanmore dec2023.... When I went into labour we went to Edgware by accident LOL.....However they let me come in and have baby as she was my 3rd they could see I was minutes from having her lol. I would call the unit where you would prefer and see if it's something you can do 🤔 In theory when it's time I don't think a hospital can push you away! I mean imagine you went into London town and you had to go St Thomas or uclh nobody would turn you away x