It’s best to keep them rear facing as long as possible. You can even get ones up to around 10 years of age.
Minimum of 2.
My almost 5 year old is still rear facing in a Graco Extend2Fit. It has some of the highest height and weight limits on the US market. My 2 year old will continue to rear face until she maxes out the height or weight limit of her car seats
I am planning to rearface until my child maxes the weight
I did until she hit one of the maximums. Shes 6, and I still have her in a car seat (front ofc) with a harness. I didnt want her with a regular seat belt yet, so i looked for one that she fit
My LG is forward facing. She suffers from vomiting a lot (under investigation as no known cause at the moment) and chokes a hell of a lot. We don't go far anyway but it's more so I can reach over to reassure her when she's vomiting until I can stop and get her out. No judgement needed from people on rear facing please. We have been medically advised to forward face her 👍
@Emma hope it gets figured Out my cousins smallest daughter suffered from motion sickness’s didnt matter how much they tried to take her on car rides as a baby 🥺ur in my prayers we all do what we need to do whats best for our kids
@Haidde thank you. I wish ours was just motion sickness but it happens in the night, when she playing, etc. No allergies found but it's been going on since she was born. Just comes out of nowhere
Most car seat manufacturers recommend keeping them rear facing u til 4y for optimal safety although I do see a lot of people turning their kids around 1y