What do I do !!

My little girl is 5 months. We’ve discussed with our doctor about weaning her, as she’s having 9oz bottle every 1-2 hours and still wanting more. She can go up to 15oz. I made some carrot purée with formula but despite the feeding and showing signs, she just spits it back out. What do I do ?
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Have you tried baby rice? I started weaning mine and she spat everything out at the beginning but after getting used to the new textures she is eating a lot more but still finds new flavours difficult when first introduced.

I learned my baby didn’t like the really liquid things. Maybe try oatmeal or if your making the puree don’t make it as watery

@Francesca We tried however we didn’t realise that aptamil babyrice contains cows milk. my girl is intolerant and it gave her really bad tummy ache. we tried ready brek as that’s milk free but nope !

@Vivian we’ve tried ready brek but still no luck x

She may just want lots of milk, try giving her different textures! She’s brand new remember!! All she’s ever known is milk, so experiment! Have you tried rusks, if she’s teething especially this may help her get onto texture. She’s still human as well, she might not like the taste of carrot. Unfortunately, one size does not fit all so you are going to have to experiment. My eldest weaned at your little girls age and his favourite thing was to chew on an onion slice 🤣 just keep trying different things, you got this!

Same with my baby I give him a few frozen fruit purées a day in the little pacifier to chew on, it keeps him distracted and full until next feed, which would still be in a hour and a half-2 hours but it gives mama alittle more time also I started my son on purées at 4 months he would spit it out but after being consistent he no longer spits it out, if you get a teething spoon and give baby to spoon to feed themselves it peaks a lot of Curiosity and they’ll be more interested in eating. It’s worked for me I hope you try it!

@Eloise she can eat the carrot, and she’ll go ravenous on the spoon, and then spit it back out but no faces. whereas with blueberry she made it very clear she was not a fan 😅 i’ll just try be persistent. and yes she’s teething so i’ll have to try the rusks!! thank you xx

@Christine thank you xx

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