Hey, My baby has breakfast and dinner obviously bottles in between Try banana my baby absolutely loves banana rice or porridge but make sure it’s smooth x
No this is completely normal!! It took our LO a good month or so before she actually started to eat something properly. Just keep offering food 2 or 3 times a day and they should pick it up in no time x
It’s normal, I had to start at 4 & a half months & she wasn’t interested at all, she eats a fair bit now but not all the time, some days she will eat, some days she will just spit it everywhere 🤣
Timing is crucial when introducing solids to a baby. It's best to offer new foods when your baby is alert and not about to get tired, as this will help ensure a positive experience with food. I began weaning by adding porridge to our morning routine. After a few days, I introduced banana to the porridge. The following Monday, I planned to offer porridge for breakfast and a potato for lunch or dinner. If there was no reaction, I would then introduce another vegetable. At six months old, the focus is on taste, as nutrients are primarily obtained from breastfeeding or formula. I then moved on to broccoli, green beans, and so on, introducing each separately to help identify any potential allergies. Once the single foods were well-tolerated, I began combining them, such as potatoes and broccoli, and pumpkin and carrots on another. If your baby isn't interested, wait a week and try again. A gentle approach to weaning is important, as forcing food can lead to a negative relationship with food.
In my experience, a gentle approach has been more effective. She is now happily eating a combination of vegetables. However, I stop feeding her as soon as she shows signs of fullness, loses interest, or pokes her tongue out to indicate she's finished. We are currently feeding her twice a day. We have occasionally experienced constipation since introducing so many vegetables. Infacol has proven helpful in relieving this when she hasn't had a poop for a full day.
@Sarah 100% agree with all of what Sarah has said. My 2.5 year old had a really slow start to weaning and now I still can’t believe how much he eats a day. My youngest turned 6 months yesterday so starting with a little porridge this morning! 🤞🏼
Haha yeah my boy loves playing with it but actually getting it in his mouth just doesn't happen much, unless it's broccoli or egg! They're still experimenting with tastes and textures at the moment, totally normal x
Very normal. My first daughter started at 5.5 months as she would steal food off your plate and she loved food and very quickly took to eating and having meals. My youngest has only recently turned 6 months and has a few spoonfuls at most out of the two meals we attempt to give her. All babies take to food in their own time just keep trying xx
We started last week, and she puts everything in her mouth, pulls some faces, dribbles a lot of it back out. She definitely is swallowing some (I've noticed a change in her poop) but it's really not much. We're doing blw, not purees, if that makes w difference
Thank you everyone for all the replies tips & tricks, today was a really positive day.. was day 8 for us weaning. & finally looking positive 🙂
That sounds pretty normal. All babies show interest at different times, could be 5 months, could be 7. I would keep offering and allow him to have fun with it. Maybe try BLW rather than spoon feeding as it allows baby to be more involved and exploratory.