Not baby related - weddings!!

Anyone have experience planning a super low budget wedding?? Like I'm talking around £5k(ISH) Is that even possible? I don't even know where to start. I'm already stressed🫠 Can anyone share ideas/experiences?
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Our wedding was around that cost however my father in law is a Reverend so we had a church wedding then took close family for a meal afterward. The only way to make it cheap is to make it as small as possible was what I found🤷🏼‍♀️We both have large families but had limited numbers basically, only siblings plus partners and parents and Grandparents😊We gave out disposable cameras instead of paying for a photographer, my dress only cost £800 in total as the woman who owned the boutique had only just opened and was offering a big discount to drum up business(actually a photo in my profile of the dress)! Look around for local places to eat and ask for set menus, I went to quite a few places but where we did end up was at a lovely local Castle with lovely food and fed around 20 people a 3 course meal for roughly £500😄We live in the Highlands of Scotlandso can imagine prices for food elsewhere are going to be slightly more pricey though!

Aww sounds like a lovely day. Guest wise we were looking at around 35 maximum anyway. My family is tiny. Mostly just struggling for venues as most I've seen online are around £4k alone then with dresses/suits/meals on top, takes us way over budget. We didn't really want a church wedding, just out of personal preference, but maybe we should consider it

P.s I just had a snoop on your profile. That dress is absolutely stunning!! What an absolute bargain you got😍

Village halls! The best and cheapest way to do it. Decorate yourself - do table picnic food. I saw one couple asked everyone to bring a charity shop plate. They could only spend £1 and the best plate on the day won a bottle 😂 thrift everything!! Vinted for bridesmaids stuff. It is doable just have to think outside the box xx

My sister got married years ago for under 1k. Depends what sort of wedding you want x

Weddings always cause drama, my two step sisters no longer talk to me because I requested sisters only for the ceremony and said their partners could come to the meal, they kicked off and no longer talk to me anymore🤯I never imagined I would have a church wedding but it was really lovely! Some churches would probably ask you to attend prior to the day but because of my father in law we were able to skip that🤭Thank you so much! It really was a bargain, still can’t believe how cheap it was😄Another vote for a village hall though, definitely something to look into! We didn’t have bridesmaids/groomsmen to save money😆

We got our ceremony venue for £600 and it was a gorgeous old house in Manchester but it was a little museum ran by volunteers, definitely worth doing some digging about what’s in your local area! Then we had a reception in our back garden. We bought a marquee for about £500 and called in favours from talented friends and family. I did a little TikTok a while back if you want to see price breakdowns and pictures ❤️

@Maddie So this is the thing initially we were just going to do immediate family but it's difficult because I only have parents and 1 set of partner's family is bigger and separated so he has two sets of parents/step-parents, and 3 siblings (plus their partners and children). So it kind of can't be *that* small on his side😅. I think we're planning to skip out on bridesmaids and groomsmen too. For starters since having a baby all my friends have practically vanished so I don't really have anyone I'd value enough as a bridesmaid anyway!

@Charlotte aw that sounds amazing!! I'll definitely check it out. We live super close to Manchester too

Do! But keep in mind this was two years ago now and I’m pretty sure prices have sky rocketed 😭 good luck! Get creative! I had an absolute blast doing ours as cheap as possible xx

Ah it really is difficult trying to decide on guests! My partner has 4 much younger siblings(9-15) so they didn’t have partners however he has loads of aunts and uncles that didn’t make the cut🫢I do think though people should respect your decisions for your day! Ah that’s fair enough then!! Definitely a money saver not having to fork out on dresses etc. I didn’t really have a hen do either, my sisters took me out for a nice meal and that was a beautiful night🥰My sister did the registrars office then did a nice meal, it was quite a nice option too!

@Claire wow what type of wedding did she have?x

It was alright. No church though just registry office. Rented a function room in a really nice local pub, had a cold buffet. She isn't fancy at all but she is divorced now though 😂😂 he was not a great person before they got married and not much changed throughout the years. I think it just depends what kind of wedding you would like. We went to a great wedding last year that the reception was at a village community centre they got fancy catering and hired out large garden games etc. it was like a fairground and was constant things to do.

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