Bridget jones moment,

So ladies. Your opinions please, got a bit of a Bridget jones issue 😂 Had sex with an on off on again partner on Monday 10th used a condom but it split, not broke broke could still see fair amount cum in it but some obv made its way in me also from split, then ( as no I may not be proud of this ) had sex with a HOT random I sparked with at a friends dinner, went home with him, drunk a lot, one thing led to another and well no protection.. on the Wednesday 12th🤦🏻‍♀️ 😂😂 I’m in my 40s and was about to start egg retrieval to save what I had left and my dr told my this morning from my bloods from two days ago proved I ovulated…around 12th..I was like 😱🫣 as I don’t usualy ovulate on my own i need meds… so I told her of sed fun with men and she done a pregnancy test… it’s positive! 😂😂 FML! I asked her what the chances of who it could be and she said it’s a decent 50/50 split. Ladies who track ovulations and know loads about it that’s it’s almost an obsession, is it 50/50 or more HOT guy coz that was the day I ovulated, and obv on off on again guy didn’t fully “explode in me” for no better explication lol
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It could easily be either but depends on the health of on off guys sperm. Sperm survives up to 72 hours following ejaculation. Also depends when you ovulated on that day as technically on/off guys sperm had a huge head start to the egg

I’d say it could be the first one as sperm can live inside you for 5-7 days and if you ovulated on the 12th it could still be possible. But then it could be the other man😂. I think a dna test would be needed, good luck. This was definitely an interesting read for the morning😂 Hope you are okay though! xx

*** Sorry I meant up to 5 days not 5-7 xx

@Sophie honestly I just keep laughing! Thing is I was planning on sperm donation always that’s why I was getting my eggs, dr has offered me abortion and to continue on plan but I said no, I feel like this baby was meant to be no matter how it came tbh, would it be to much to add the two men to a group chat? 😂😂

I’m guessing the 2nd one you said the 1st one is on and off so my guess is you would have most likely been caught before now if it was the 1st one also the 2nd one is strange sperm so most likely the 2nd

Yeah I feel like everything happens for a reason and you must be over the moon to find out you are pregnant❤️

If you feel you want to add them do it😂xx

I do love peanut sometimes🤣

@Sophie now it’s sinking in and iv told my sister I am really really happy. I have since sent a separate text to both guys, same message just explaining and apologising it’s via text Im just shocked. On/off guy has replied with if it’s like I’ll pay but no thank you ( in terms of being involved, which I mean, I could a guessed we on/off for fake of not being lonely, iv knows him 20+ years but it never works as a relationship, hes never wanted kids) BUT…. HOT guy, has replied “well surprisingly I smiled reading that. Should we do dinner tonight to chat, I’ll cook” … and I’m like DAYMMM!

Oh wow! Interesting. At the end of the day no matter what happens with any of the men, The baby will have great mum x

Sometimes things are just meant to be aren’t they! Good luck with dinner tonight! I feel so invested in what happens!

I am fully in on the outcome of this and need hot guy to be daddy!

I am invested in this story now, commenting for updates 😂

More chapters to read please. The best drama to date love this but not the situation for you obviously x

Morning ladies, so dinner was just 🤯 he was very sweet, very genuine, said it’s obv a shock and it’s moving very fast but he feeling “like it’s meant to be this way” … I’m not getting to excited for the perfection this man seems to be, but we are going to take it slow, chat, gone on a date a week, he wants to come to all my scans and app… I told him what on/off guys said about the situation about just will pay if it’s his and he said well then it isn’t his is it, no child deserves that, so if I don’t wanna find out and we just agree now it’s his, he’s down with that. We have another date on Tuesday. Bowling 🤣🤣 GIRLS PRAY FOR ME HES THE ONE

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Well certainly sounds all positive!!! Here’s hoping you continue to build a lovely relationship with this guy. Feels a little like fate at the moment

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