Soooo…. I think I’m pregnant

I’m due on my period in 3 days and I took 2 tests both have a faint positive line..: I’m FREAKING OUTTT Pregnancy and having a toddler? What’s it like?
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Honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I've found having a toddler and a newborn harder. My little boy turned 2 a couple of months before baby was due and he is a very energetic toddler so keeping up wasn't always easy but we got through it. The beginning was difficult for me due to the morning sickness but found it reasonably okay on the whole. I struggled picking my toddler up near the end just because of how big my belly and how uncomfortable I felt. Here if you want to chat ☺️ x

I was lucky to have quite a smooth pregnancy. 1st trimester wasn’t the best because you feel so drained and sick. When I got heavily pregnant and couldn’t pick my daughter up as much, she was very understanding because I could explain that my tummy hurt. My partner took over bedtime and bath routine every night, so that helped a lot. As a positive, it was very cute watching her interact with my bump. She told me I was having a boy before we had our gender scan, played vet / DRs set to check his heart beat etc. spoke to him when she knew his name. And now loves her little brother now he is here ❤️ Tiredness was probably the biggest thing but it wasn’t as bad as I thought x

I’m due with our second in 6 days, don’t get me wrong it’s been hard at times but pregnancy can be hard work regardless. I’m looking forward to them having a small age gap & growing up together so for me it’s all worth it. I think with our toddlers being the age they are it’s the perfect age to be honest as he can grab me things or can play independently so I am able to enjoy a shower or relax a bit more than if he was younger. Don’t get me wrong he still keeps me on my toes but I hope that makes sense. Congratulations too.

I’m due no.2 in a couple of weeks. It’s been tough but I don’t feel great in pregnancy in general. Lots of fatigue, nausea, etc!! The tiredness is the hardest part with a toddler so I’ve had to really rely on family and partner. My little one started staying at his nanny’s on a Monday night which they both absolutely love! So I feel happy knowing I get a chance to rest but he’s in good hands. But you’ll get there and it’s all very exciting now baby is due soon 🥰😍 x

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