You can try the Spinning babies exercises!
@jasmine yeah my midwife did tell me that! Hoping baby flips at some point!!x
@Manjusha I keep hearing about this, need to go look into it! X
My baby was transverse at 28 weeks and I started doing yoga ball exercises. I’m 30 weeks now and my midwife told me that my baby is head down in my pelvis :)
Hi Charlotte, lots of movement and exercises can help. There's still time for baby to move to optimal position. Im happy to help, I can do a virtual session on exercises that can help.
@Eva aww amazing!! I feel like baby has moved to a more transverse position since starting the exercises so fingers crossed they flip fully! Xx
@Celiathedoula thank you so much! I’ll have a look🫶🏻
i heard it usually doesn’t matter until baby is about 36 weeks! you can look up flipping babies and that has some good ways to try to naturally encourage baby to flip head down!