I use it… not sure if it makes a difference though xx
i use it for my 17 day old, and it’s helped massively! he’s EBF but where he’s cluster feeding & sucking in air, he’s been getting trapped wind. infacol has helped massively! he burped prior to it but not as well as he is now.
I’m EBF and just got some to try as my baby gets trapped wind. The bottle says to use every feed it seems a lot 🙈
I started it about a week ago per midwife recommendation as my little one was quite restless during our visit... First few days I started using I noticed a lot of wind movements inside his tummy but he had always burped fine anyways... Overall it feels like he sleeps better overnight (no he doesn't sleep through the night he's only 3.5w old) but I'm still not sure if it's infacol or his growth spurt is finally over ~ PS. I drop it in the bottle instead of directly inside the mouth as he thoroughly hated that! Some people recommended Dentinox for that reason and I may switch to that soon to try, sadly it's not as accessible as Infacol