c section

due to reduced baby movements, drop in babies heartbeat now and then and previous health issues, I’m due to have baby at 36+6. They wanted me to have baby at 37 weeks but there’s no available slots and I can’t go near 38 weeks as I went into labour with my first at 38+4 and im not allowed to as it’s dangerous for me. Is it safe to have baby at 36+6? I know it’s only a day before im 37 weeks but I’m getting a little worried now as we are approaching the date..
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I had a section with my boy when he was 37+1, he was perfectly fine. Just a little fella so I needed smaller clothes and nappies. He screamed and came out all annoyed at us, good lungs and happy once on the boob. My first baby was 38 weeks, my second 37 and both are happy and healthy

@Sarah thank you for sharing this with me ☺️ baby is actually measuring a little big atm so hopefully he’ll be a good size when I have my c section! glad you’re all well x

I had an emergency c-section as baby wasn’t growing as well as he should in December at 35+5 and he didn’t even go to the incubator, he’s doing great! Yes he was very small but he surely has caught up to the size and feeds very well.

@Daise Thats amazing! I’m glad he didn’t need to go into the incubator, I think that’s what my main worry is!

Baby will be fine, they should offer you some steroids to help baby, so just mention that when you see someone x

@Jess amazing, thank you x

My baby was born at 36+6 via C-section due to placenta failing and he was perfectly healthy just small, he came straight to me, had monitoring every 2 hours for 24 hours just at the bedside and all was good 😊

@Mollie-Eve amazing, that’s good to know 🥰 my little one is measuring a bit bigger atm so hopefully he’ll be born a good weight x

I’ve recently had my little one at 37+1 and he’s a bit smaller but healthy, he was monitored every 2 hours for the first 24, I just needed smaller clothes and nappies but he’s feeding well and putting the weight on already x

@Jodie im glad to know he’s doing well, thank you for sharing with me x

@Mollie-Eve May I ask how much he weighed?

he weighed 5lb 9oz , he was predicted 5lb 3oz so not far off! He is now a very healthy 12lb 6oz at 14 weeks (10+6 weeks adjusted) and has jumped to the 25th percentile.. so definitely just not getting what he needed from the placenta and was better out than in xx

@Mollie-Eve my baby is already weighing 5lb 10 at 34 weeks! Yeah that makes sense. Did you need steroids as baby was born early? Xx

I chose to have them but they're not so much a 'need' as an option. The doctor basically said there's not enough information to say they're beneficial but also not enough information to say that they're not so they have to give you the choice but they don't feel strongly either way. Have they given you an information sheet? For me the potential benefits outweighed any risks so we chose to have them. Obviously can't say whether they helped but he didn't need any help breathing or any NICU time which was what we wanted to avoid. They made my face go as red as a tomato though which was very funny 🤣

@Mollie-Eve nope, not been given any info sheet. They told me because I’m closer to having baby at 37 weeks than 36 weeks that I won’t need the steroids, so hopefully that’s the case! Oh no, yeah side effects with steroids are horrible 😂

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