Question for kendamil fed babies

Hey ladies After 3 months (breast supply dropped significantly), I started my baby on kendamil formula. From the get go she took to it really well, no reflux, no constipation etc. Saying this, I’ve noticed the packaging and seems like the ingredients has slightly changed to what it was before, I read something about it having to meet US regulations/standards to have it supplied over there. My little girl is just a little over 4 months so I don’t know if it’s a phase, teething or what, but she’s been grunting a lot as if she’s uncomfortable or in pain when she’s drinking her milk or even just before she’s about to have her feed. My GP isn’t great nor is my HV, I usually just get the bog standards, it’s normal or whatever, but I just can’t help but feel since the packaging has changed with kendamil is when she started being like this. I just wanted to ask if any of you who are also using kendamil have noticed something similar?? TIA!
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We don't use formula but have heard looooads of people saying this on socials!!!

We used kendamil for my girl who’s now 3 and she had no problems so we chose that one for our boy, he was fine to start until they changed the packaging and he was so unhappy, not finishing bottles and constantly sick etc, I changed to the organic one as that is still made in uk and he’s a different baby in a good way

We’ve been using Kendamil since birth, to be honest I didn’t notice a change in my son between the new and old stuff BUT I have seen a lot of people saying it online. If you’re worried she’s more gassy you could try a couple of drops of Coleif in her bottle? (You can get it from boots) just to smooth the transition then slowly phase it out xx

We noticed the same so I changed her to Hipp Organic and it seems to be agreeing with her a bit better x

This is really interesting because our combo fed Kendamil baby seems a little bunged up and uncomfortable recently and I didn’t realise the ingredients had changed

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