That’s amazing @Lexi ! So happy for you!!! Was there anything you did in particular to get Labour going?
I’m leaning towards a similar plan. I was induced at 41+3 with my first which eventually ended in a C-section and it’s not an experience I’m keen to repeat 😂 So if I don’t go into labour spontaneously again I’m leaning towards planned C-section, but I think I will try to push the date as late as possible to give me more of a chance to go into labour
@Harriet same with me! Except it was 42 weeks . Are you Thinking of scheduling for 42 weeks ??
I don’t think I’ll actually book one in as when I met with the doctor last week he was happy to just leave it as an option if induction ends up being on the cards again. I might need to fight a bit to delay it as late as 42 weeks, but I’m pretty sure the reason they tend to induce before then is because it can take a few days, which obviously isn’t the case with a C-section!
I bounced and curb walked when I could, did the miles circuit a couple times this past week… I honestly felt like none of it even mattered because I would wake up the next day and not be in labor lol. My water broke naturally yesterday morning 7am and I had her by 3!! I was in disbelief. I do think positive energy and vibes is a huge part of it.
I had one scheduled for 40+5 and ended up cancelling and rearranging for 41+2 to give myself better hopes, but had my waters broken before the c section to try induction
I had my VBAC at 41+6 so I wouldn’t encourage scheduling anything too early x
@Shannon That’s amazing! Did you get much pushback for holding out that long?
@Harriet not at all!! X
In the hospital currently 40+1. Had a perfect VBAC yesterday!!!! Was scheduled at 41 weeks if I didn’t go into labor naturally as I was not allowed to be induced.